Chapter 4

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Clint jolted out of his chair and started shaking his leg, trying to shake the fox off his leg.

"Ow! Fuck! Get off me!" Clint shouts as he does so.

Tony let go eventually and landed on his feet. He barked right at him and sat there, glaring at Clint. Clint looked at the damage that had been done to his leg, seeing just a mark. No bleeding whatsoever. Just a mark that'll disappear after a while. The team all chuckled at Clint.

"Oh, I am so shaving you if you try that again Stark." Clint says and Tony just rolls his eyes, standing up on all fours and heading toward the door.

He whined when he was picked up by Steve and wiggled, trying to break out of his arms but also whimpering from the pain he was causing to his ribs.

"Hey, calm down. I am just carrying you to the kitchen so you can have something to eat with the team. I bet you haven't eaten anything in a while." Steve says as the fox relaxes in his arms.

The team watched as Tony curled up in Steve's arms and just relaxed more. Steve didn't think that much of it as he opened the door.

"Right. I'm heading to the kitchen to cook something up for all of us. It'll take some time and I'll take Tony with me. Even as a fox, he feels thin so I'm going to make him something now." Steve says, looking at the team.

"I'll join you. Someone's got to watch Tony and make sure he doesn't hurt himself on the stoves while you're cooking." Sam offers as he looks at the two.

"That would be great. I don't know if he will sit still like this for long. You know how he can get." Steve says with a chuckle. "I'll let you all know when dinner is ready. You can all go off and do your own thing." He says to the others.

"Sounds good. I'll get to looking at the sample of cells I took from Tony and see what has changed and maybe figure out a cure to sort him out." Bruce says as he walks past Steve to head down to the lab.

Everyone else headed out of the meeting room to go and do their own thing. Steve walks with Sam and the fox in his arms, who was all curled up and purring a little in comfort.

"He's awfully snuggly right now. I didn't think Tony could be like this." Sam says as he runs a hand through Tony's fur.

Tony attempted to flinch away from the touch, but he didn't eventually lean into it.

"I think he's tired. But I didn't think he was like this when he was tired. I'm sure once Rhodey gets here, he can shed some light on what he is like." Steve says as he looks down at the fox.

Tony squirmed a little as he tried to get comfortable in Steve's arms, whining a little in pain. Steve sighed a little as he made it to the kitchen.

"Right. I am going to get something quick for Tony so he's had something. Do you think it should be something that's good for a fox or just something we would normally eat?" Steve asked, looking over at Sam.

Tony looked between the two of them and barked at the two of them, wanting to tell them that he wanted burgers. However, that didn't come across to them.

"I think stick with what foxes can eat for now. Eggs, meat, and berries. It should prevent any upset stomach if he's a proper fox." Sam says as he looks down at Tony, who was now glaring at him. "Don't look at me like that. We don't know if you can eat normal food at the moment." He says as Steve hands him over to Sam.

"Don't worry. I'll cook everything just so you're not eating it raw. I think cooking the food makes it unhealthy for a fox but I won't make you suffer more by having to try and eat it raw." Steve says as he ruffles Tony's fur a little before heading over to the stove so he could cook the meat and eggs for Tony.

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