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Tomorrow: Mumma's Death Anniversary

Ram smiled sadly at the reminder that popped up on his phone. Tomorrow would mark the 31st year he spent without his mother by his side, but the sorrow he felt had remained the same throughout the years.

"What's wrong, baby?" Priya asked softly, noticing Ram's change in expression the moment he picked up his phone. It was 7 AM, and the couple had woken up lazily, entangled in each other's arms and trying to savor every moment before they had to get out of bed and head to work.

"Can I have a hug?"

Without giving a response, Priya wrapped her arms around her husband. She felt Ram rest his chin on top of her head and sigh.

"Tomorrow's November 5th. Mumma's death anniversary."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Ram."

After a few moments of silence, he continued, "She would have celebrated her 60th birthday this year. I can't believe she's been gone for so long. I know I talk about Dad more, but the days leading up to Mumma's death anniversary are when I miss her the most."

"I understand, Ram. You got to spend a lot more time with Dad, so it's easier to talk about the memories you have with him. Maybe tomorrow we can do some of her favorite activities and you can tell me about her? If that's okay with you."

"Of course, Priya. Dad always told me that beaches were her favorite place; maybe we can spend a few hours there tomorrow since it's the weekend and we don't have work. Which reminds me, we should probably get out of bed and get ready now."

Priya tightened the hug before placing a tender kiss on Ram's forehead and rolling out of bed. She remembered how tough Ram's dad's death anniversary was, and she prayed that the upcoming day wouldn't be as disastrous as that.


At 2 PM, Priya knocked on the door of Ram's cabin with her tiffin in tow. For the last few months, it had become her daily routine to eat lunch alongside her husband. This move had two benefits: not only could Priya force Ram to eat at a reasonable time, but it also gave her an opportunity to sneak in a bit of alone time with him during the work day.

Today was no different, and Priya smiled as she let herself in and started unpacking the lunch. She had asked Tarun to make chicken tikka and biryani for them, hoping that it would help lift Ram's mood even slightly. And it had worked; while Ram was still sad, a small smile now adorned his face as Priya sat next to him on the couch and fed him his favorite dishes.

After they finished eating, Ram leaned back on the armrest and opened his arms up for Priya. She entered his embrace and snuggled into his warmth, savoring the time before her lunch break was over and she would have to go back to her office.

"Jaan, what time will you be done today?" Ram mumbled in Priya's hair.

"Probably 5. One of my students wants to review their exam, so I won't be able to leave early. You?"

"I cancelled my meetings for the rest of the day. Is it okay if I go spend some time with Meera Maa and come pick you up later?"

"Of course you can, Ram. You never have to ask to spend time with her; she's your mother too. Is everything alright?"

"I can't focus on work. I feel really restless and uneasy for some reason."

"Hmm, you took your medications this morning. Do you want me to come along with you? I can always reschedule my meeting."

"It's alright, I think I just need a bit of rest and Meera Maa's undivided attention."

They heard a knock on the door, and Priya moved out of Ram's arms as he shouted for the person to come in.

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