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"I cannot believe I spent the night here." I sat up with Adam's silk sheets caressing my naked body.

"You didn't seem to think it was such a bad idea last night." He was in the bathroom. I heard him switch on the faucet. 

"Adam, shut up." I rolled my eyes and quickly scanned the room. "Where are my clothes? I have to go." Adam let out a soft chuckle and I slid from underneath his expensive duvet. But, my clothes were no where to be found.

"I hope you're ready for breakfast." 

"Adam, I need to go home. I don't have a toothbrush or fresh clothes here and in case you're wondering... we had sex last night." I bent down to look under the bed. My eyes zoomed around quickly before widening at what they saw. Attached to the bed frame, were two large guns. I had no idea what specific kind they were, but definitely assault rifles.

"You're worried about the wrong things. I could buy you an entire boutique, shit 20 if I wanted. I think you'll be okay." He chuckled. I scoffed and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your clothes are being cleaned. Until then, I had Erik fetch you new ones and there's everything you need to freshen up in the bathroom. So-" Adam popped out from the bathroom door and I jumped up from my position on the floor. I did not want him to know I had seen the guns, plus I was still naked.

His blazing irises swept over my body slowly, before our eyes met in a knowing gaze. I wanted to feel the sparks on my skin like before, but thoughts about those two guns had me uneasy. 

"So what Adam?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"So, you are having breakfast with me... and staying for more sex afterwards."

"That's not gonna happen." I smirked. "And can you give me something until Erik arrives?" 

"Oh, I can give you something. It just might take a little longer than that." He joked, walking to his closet. At least I think he was joking... I waited awkwardly as he scanned his wardrobe. The closet was larger than my first studio apartment.  However, I still could not seem to wrap my mind around the fact that we had had sex on top of two extremely lethal weapons. 

Like why do you need heavy artillery at your bedside?

"Any year now Adam..." I walked to the restroom, preparing to shower. It was of course, one of the most beautifully decorated bathrooms I had ever seen outside of HGTV. 

"Don't ever rush greatness." He walked into the bathroom. "If it were up to me, you'd never wear clothes when we're alone." I couldn't help but blush.  I could not deny that the man had such a strong effect on me. He was holding a cream cable knit sweater. "Go on, I'll be waiting in the sunroom."

He kissed me lightly on the cheek, his fingers gently cradling my chin. Then, he turned to leave.

I held the sweater up to my chest. "Wait- w- where exactly is the sunroom?"

"Down the stairs, past the kitchen, you can't miss it from there unless you're blind or stupid." He began walking away before doubling back. "Oh, or unless your name is Audra."

I rolled my eyes, flipping him off.

"You already did... all night long." He smirked.

"Go away!" I shooed him away with my hands, pushing the door closed.  "Wait, what did you order anyways?" I called.

"Just a gorgeous woman in nothing but my sweater. I'm trying to watch my figure. "


After a very delightful breakfast,  I was able to convince him to drive me home. As I walked into my apartment, the scent of freshly baked something blessed my nostrils. I inhaled curiously. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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