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A little short but important.

The sun was already shining in the sky when I walked into work, a stark contrast to the icy cold night before.

I reminisced on the events that took place in Adam's expensive black car. My lips tingled at the memory of his lips on mines and my thighs were warm with the memory of Adam's large hands and his smooth leather seats.

I basically glided to Ms. Greta's desk.

"Good morning, darling." Ms. Greta gave me a small smile. "So, I just learned that they only towed your vehicle to a tow yard about twenty miles from here." She pushed her glasses up her nose, and sniffled.

"Why did they take it so far?!"

Ms. Greta made a sympathetic expression "That's just the tow company they're in business with," She looked back down at her computer and began typing and clicking. "They're called Rayon Tow and they close at six, so you might want to go on and let Mr. Steel know." She informed me and I couldn't help the slight flutter of my worried heart.

"Do you actually think he'll let me?" I asked and she gave me such a 'Duh' look, someone would have thought I was a "special" child.

"Honey," She stopped typing and gave me her full attention. "Adam Steel does not just give any ole body a ride home." I bit my lip. "I've watched him leave his last assistant standing in the rain one night waiting for him. He's not exactly the most generous boss, but with you...he's different," My heart warmed. "And so yes I think he'll let you leave early to go get your car."

I was speechless at her speech. My mind was racing with many different thoughts.

Was he seriously that cold-hearted?

What made me so different from his last assistant?

I forced a smile. "Thanks for your help, Ms. Greta." I walked away from her desk and to the elevator. I pressed the 'Up' button and it glowed blue. I watched as the elevator numbers descended. When the doors separated I was looking into the flaming hazel eyes of Adam and he was looking at me. Through me.

I watched as his beautiful lips fixed into a smile worth more than his business. He stepped out of the elevator.

"Good morning, Ms. Williams," He gave me a slow once over. "I have something to do and I won't be back for at least two hours," I tried my hardest to not frown. But, I was looking forward to seeing him!

"Well, I'll be here." I smiled. It was hard to ignore the tension between us. "Call me if you need anything." I stepped into the elevator, holding it open.

"Anything, huh?" He cocked a suggesting brow and I let out a small laugh. "Don't miss me too much, Audra." He turned and I watched as he walked to his car that had just pulled up. This time it was a larger car...a Rolls Royce.

I let the silver doors entrap me in my sensual daydreams of Adam. I couldn't fathom how this insanely smart man who'd blackmailed me into working for him could make me feel this way.

It seemed as if that night never happened. He hadn't even uttered a single word about it. That night seemed far in the past though and nothing could change the flames in my veins that flickered at the thought of Adam touching me.


Three hours had passed since I ran into Adam and I was becoming anxious. I reread files over and over again, trying to occupy my time.

I still hadn't told him about my car and I didn't wish to bother him with a phone call.

An email would work.

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