Chapter 11

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I am so sorry for late update. I will try my best to update sooner this time. Please comment. It really means a lot and also vote!

Author's POV

Alihan sighed going through another page of his novel before closing the book with a thud. He was restless , for days now . Throwing the book beside him on the bed he stared aimlessly at side lamp. The faint glow made his eyes shine , eyes that were longing for a sight . Sight of a certain someone . Someone who had already stolen his heart and he had no idea yet . Someone he had not even glanced at for days now , well long fifteen days and restless nights to be precise.

She seemed in hurry last time he saw her after he drove her back home from her apartment . Next thing he knew was that she locked herself in her room with her books and its been fifteen days she did not step out. Amma bi had been taking utmost care of her meals, though Anna refused all three meals a day but Amma bi made her have at least two . Alihan was somewhat relieved knowing she was moving forward and keeping herself focused despite everything . He prayed with all his heart for her success .

She was indeed a hard worker and he was sure all her efforts will be paid off. She deserved everything good and much more , only if he could also contribute to happiness she deserved.

A gloomy expression made its way to his face and he mentally winced at pain and sadness he had given her till now . There was a little too much she had to face and go through because of him and his twisted way to venge her family .

His eyelids felt heavy and he ran his hand through his already messy hair before closing his eyes tight shut and again her face flashed in the back of his mind . She was under the same roof as him yet so far away .

He missed her as if he had her once , as if she was ever his.


Alihan lifted his hands up for prayer after offering duhr salah . The first prayer he made was for her , her safety , her happiness and her success . He asked his Almighty to help her in her exam today . She had been putting endless efforts for her only and final exam and he knew his Almighty would never let her down for she had helped herself and Allah indeed helps those who help themselves .

Folding the prayer rug he carefully placed it over the shelf and before he could turn around , a gentle knock on his door was heard . Allowing the person outside to step in , he walked towards the large window in his room . Sighing audibly he glanced out at the beautiful view of his garden drenching in heaviest rain of the season . An expression of worry made its way to his face instantly .

''Amma Bi send Galib to Anna's examination centre and ask him to wait for her . Tell him to not let her come back alone. '' instructing Amma bi who was placing his freshly brewed tea on table , he raked his fingers through his hair.

He was anxious and worried , for her . She was hell bent on going to the exam centre on her own and when denied by him , she finally gave in and left with one of his drivers . Though he did not interacted with her directly this morning but through Amma bi , he was aware of her anger and frustration upon not letting her go on her own . And now he feared she might refuse to let Galib drive her home. The weather was harsh today , the first spatters of ran were already turning to a downpour when she left and the the city was drenching now .

Everything from within him , screamed to go to her and bring her home safely . The mere idea of her hurting and him sending somebody else to protect her burned his being . He would be restless even after sending Galib , his most trusted one . For he would only be at peace when he sees her and until then he was helpless .

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