Chapter 1

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"The fuck

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"The fuck....."

"Hannie, are you there?"

"Yeah Josh, I'm here" Jeonghan said as he held his hurting head. "What happened?" Jeonghan heard a voice say. "Who's there?" Jeonghan exclaimed fighter mode on. "Calm down Han, that sounds like Dokyeom" Joshua said as he tried to reach out to either Jeonghan or Seokmin. "Joshua?" Seokmin question, fear evident in his voice.

"Yeah Dokyeom, I'm here" Joshua said as he tried to get up and go over towards Seokmin. "Can yall shut up. You're making my headache even worse" the heard another voice said. "Who else is here?" Jeonghan asked still ready to fight anyone that's here to hurt him or Joshua......and Seokmin.

"Pennywise, dipshit" the voice said to which made Seokmin scared even more and particularly begging for Joshua to come near him. "Jihoon, stop messing around. Sorry guys." A new voice enter th conversation. To which Jeonghan recognize as the male that work at Forever 21. "Seungcheol? You're here too?" Jeonghan question, quite excited to see the other male again.

"Jeonghan? Hi, how are you?" Seungcheol said with a smile that no one can see. "Alright before we start flirting, can someone find a light switch. Please?" A new voice said and everyone agreed. A few minutes later the lights were turned on and everyone looked around to see thirteen other boys around them.

"Well hi everyone" a boy with sliver hair greeted to which Jihoon recognized as Soonyoung. "Soonyoung? What are you doing here?" Jihoon questioned the older. "I can ask you the same thing, Jihoon" Soonyoung stated to which Jihoon agreed to.

"Alright, it seems like everyone somewhat knows each other here. Does anyone know why we're here though?" A male with a black mullet asked to which everyone just stared at each other. "I think I know why we're here" everyone turned to a boy that looks like he's ten. "Tell us then" Jeonghan demanded. "Does anyone here have powers?" The boy asked and everyone raised their hand.

"Question answered. We're captured because we're supernaturals" the boy explained and everyone had an 'o' shaped face at the realization. "Well should we introduce ourselves?" Joshua asked looking at everyone to which they nodded.

"I'll go first. Hi everyone, I'm Choi Seungcheol, I'm eighteen years old and I have the power to make explosions and I can disappear"

"Hi, I'm Yoon Jeonghan, I'm eighteen, and I can freeze anything and everything. I can also disappear"

"So it was you that robbed the bank!" A boy that look American exclaimed. "Who says I didn't" Jeonghan said with a sly smile. "Not now Jeonghan. Hi everyone, I'm Jisoo Joshua Hong, I'm seventeen and I can read minds" Joshua said with a smile. "Which name do you prefer?" The American boy asked, "doesn't matter, I'll answer to any" Joshua stated.

"Hi guys, I'm Wen Junhui, Korean name Moon Junhwi. I'm Seventeen  and I can control the weather"

"Hi everyone, I'm Kwon Soonyoung, I'm seventeen and I am shapeshifter" Soonyoung said with a bright smile that could brighten any room up....well according to Jihoon that is. "Hi, I'm Jeon Wonwoo, I'm 17 and I can manipulate fire".

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