Chapter 9

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"That doesn't sound like he did anything wrong

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"That doesn't sound like he did anything wrong. He was only standing up for himself and out of nowhere the dude started choking, what are we supposed to do? Ground Seungkwan for standing up for himself?" Seungcheol asked so confused on why the school called Jeonghan and him in for a boy choking out of nowhere. While Seungcheol was talking, Jeonghan was looking around the principle's office. Sitting on the desk was a picture of a family of three, a woman, a little boy, and the principle himself. Jeonghan took a closer look at the boy and he thought the boy looked familiar, so he looked around more to see more pictures of the little boy.

"What? You're going to suspend Seungkwan for nothing? He did nothing wrong! So why suspend him?" Seungcheol asked now getting annoyed with the male. "Actually Cheol, he's suspending Seungkwan because the boy is his son and is being biased." Jeonghan said as he stood up and grab a picture of a boy that looked like the boy waiting outside, handing it to Seungcheol to look at. Seungcheol looked at the picture then looked back to the principle who avoided any form of eye contact. "Really? Are you doing this for your son to kiss your ass because lately he hasn't been showing you love or something?" Seungcheol asked now angry with the male before him.

"N-no! It's in the r-rule book!" The principle said scrambling to his feet as he search for the said book. "Bullshit! Your son was choking on thin air for fuck sake's and you're suspending Kwan for nothing!" Seungcheol said as his hands started to heat up, sparks of fire coming from his hands. Jeonghan noticed this and took hold of the older's hands, using his cooling powers to cool down Seungcheol's hands. "It was stupid of you to call us here Mr. Lee. Seungkwan did nothing wrong and your son has a problem with bullying people. Suspend Seungkwan and we'll make sure to sue you." Jeonghan said stepping in so Seungcheol could calm down.

He took the picture and placed it on the desk, "teach your son some manners, good day Mr. Lee." Jeonghan said before walking out the office, "come on Kwannie." Jeonghan called out to the younger who was also waiting outside. "Learn some manners young man." Jeonghan said to Mr. Lee's son before walking away with Seungkwan and Seungcheol behind. "Am I in trouble...?" Seungkwan asked as they walked out the school, playing with his fingers. "No Kwan~ you can't control your powers yet, you did nothing wrong." Seungcheol said as he patted the younger's head who smiled happily at the touch.

"Kwannie!" Hansol exclaimed as he ran up to the other boy as he walked out the front doors of the school. "Hey Sol~" Seungkwan said as he happily hugged the younger. "Let's go home, I still have to cook dinner." Jeonghan said as he started walking towards the car. "By that he means me cooking dinner while he sits in the kitchen eating the food." Mingyu clarified as the all piled into the car.

"Really!?" Chan asked, amazed by the story being told to him and Samuel as Seungkwan, Hansol, Samuel, and him sit in the living room, Seungkwan telling the youngsters what happened at school today. "That's so cool Kwannie hyung! I'm happy that you got your power spark. Non when will you get your spark?" Samuel asked now curious about Hansol's power spark. "I don't know when Sam." Hansol replied with a force smile. As much as he's happy and proud of Seungkwan getting his powers, Hansol still feels a bit jealous about it but won't admit it as its not really necessary.

"Boys! Come eat!" Jeonghan exclaimed as the four boys in the living room walked over to the dining table while the rest came running down the stairs. "Alright we need to do something about this kidnapping supernaturals thing because it's getting out of hand and right now it looks like we're just living the family life." Jeonghan admitted as he stuff his face with food. "Right, Minghao I need you and Jun to go out in the city and gather intel about where they set up their new base." The Chinese males nodded and continued to eat as Seungcheol moved on to the next people. "Shua, I need you and Jihoon to figure out how many supernaturals have been taken so far. And that's where Chan and Samuel come in, once Jun and Minghao figure out where the new base is, I need you two to distract the guards while the rest of us sneak in and find where they are keeping the others."

Everyone nodded at the plan and continued to eat. "Wait, what about the people who didn't get their power sparks yet?" Soonyoung asked looking towards the oldest. "I'm sure you'll have enough time before our rescue mission Soons. Don't worry." Jeonghan said in a reassuring tone as Soonyoung nodded and continued to eat. "I hope so...." Mumbled Hansol as he slightly pushed around his food. Seungkwan seem to notice but didn't mention it. He'll just question the younger later.

This is mostly a filler chapter before the next member gets their power spark and the real reason why I started this book.

It is currently almost two in the morning and I have school tomorrow so I'll be taking my happy butt to bed now.

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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