A Wonderful Birthday Begins

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"Oh helvete...fæn," The burning heat of the coffee spills on my hand once again. Yes. Again. I can't get used to these..fancy mugs. Ever since I moved in as a handmaid, things haven't been going the way I wanted them to. Yet I owe my mistress my life, so I am willing to go through a few hard times. Maybe things will even start to look up. I smile at the thought of being saved. I place the half spilled coffee aside, cleaning what has fallen. Suddenly a smell enters the kitchen. A harsh scent. Oh no! The grøt! Cursing myself I run to the stove. The flour and milk are bubbling in the pot. I turn down the heat as quickly as possible, managing to save the dish. I'm not quite a fan of grøt but with a little sugar, it can go a long way. Deciding to take a risk, I do my little secret recipe to the grøt. After scooping some into a wooden bowl of course. I get the wooden tray and begin my journey to my mistress's chambers. Putting the coffee on the tray, carefully, as well as the bowl of grøt.

Leaving the kitchen, I make my way to her room. Weaving in and out of other servants and handmaids. Yet, they're working for the queen. I tend to follow my true queen wherever she goes. I don't mind the current leadership, in fact I quite love her. Taking care of her sister is more of a personal thing. It's also a favor to another, well, spirit. Making sure I'm balancing the food (as to not spill anymore), I make it to the white door with blue markings. Usually she's in her parents' chambers, but with the queen's recent marriage, my mistress let her take it over. So humble and giving. I love her. Smiling, I knock on the door. Waiting to hear her permission to come in. I wait for 30 more seconds and start to get slightly worried. She probably slept in, yeah. Slept in. Just as I was about to knock again, the door opened.

"How many times do I have to say you can just walk in, Kyra?"

"Can never be too sure, oh great spirit," I say with a bow of my head.

That got a laugh out of her and she beckoned me in her room. Still smiling I walk in and place the food on a nearby dresser. As soon as I place it down I get a hug from behind. I laugh as I pull her arms off of me. I see her smile as she looks towards the tray, she sniffs the air and raises an eyebrow.

"Kyra, now bear with me here. Did you...burn the grøt?"

Any smile I had on my face was instantly wiped. Like what was she? A damn fæ? I get she's a spirit but I don't think she's supposed to have that good of scent.

"You know what. Thought you would like the um..flavor. Yes..the flavor.." I spoke cautiously.

She still had her smirk and eyebrow raised as I told her that. I rolled my eyes and got out of the way for her to go to the tray. She walked over to the breakfast, taking the coffee and drinking it. I heard her sigh.

"I don't know how you keep making such good coffee. I usually don't even like coffee," I felt my heart swell when I received the compliment. I liked making her happy because she makes me happy. She grabbed the tray and sat down on her couch. She patted the spot next to her and I listened and sat down.

"You know, you could bring breakfast for yourself as well. It's kind of disturbing to be the only one eating," I shrugged and responded

."How do you know I didn't already eat? Hmmm?"

"Because you never eat..."

That's...weird. Her tone seems that she's worried for me, but she has nothing to worry about. I mean sure I miss a few meals but that's nothing compared to missing a whole life. I guess I was staring blankly at the wall for too long as she noticed.

"You thinking about Rave?" A teasing voice takes me out of my deep thought. I blush slightly and nudge her shoulder with my own. She giggles and goes for a bite of her grøt.

Happy Birthday, My Queen (Jelsa Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now