"Alone Time"

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Gamzee was stunned for a moment, but quickly pushed Eridan off.

"WhAt ThE fUcK!" Gamzee yells at the sea dweller.

"You know-w you liked it" Eridan mocks back, then start to go in for more.

Gamzee throws Eridan to the ground and grabs his collar, arm cocked back, ready to beat the sea salt out of him.

But... but... he just can't. A pained look grows on Gamzee's face. He pushes Eridan back to the flour as he stands. Shaking with anger he can barely stand. He just wanted to destroy something, but he just got his hive back together after his last fit. He just runs out of the door, not even closing it behind him.

Sitting up, Eridan shaking with fear. He looked back at the wide open door. He stood up and looked down in shame and embarrassment. NOT at what he did, but what he saw.

'Grinding like gets a man w-worked up' giggling to himself.

He placed a hand on the bulge to adjust it, but only aroused himself more. Shuttering slightly he went to the door, not to leave, but to close it with him in Gamzee's hive. He then layed down on Gamzee's pile. He settles in and put an arm behind his head, then continued "adjusting" his bulge.

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