Back at Nepeta's cave, Gamzee sat on the bed (trying to hide his blush) while Nepita made tea. It had been a little while since Gamzee had some pie, so he was getting panicked. When Nep came over with two cups of tea, and a teapot on a tray, and a two sugar containers. Two? That's weird Gamzee thought, shouldn't there be one?. Nepita sat with the tray between them, and took the tops of the two sugar containers. One had plain sugar, but the other...
"MoThErFuCkEn, HeLl YeAh" chuckled Gamzee full of relief.
The second container had slime in it. He took a cup and spooned slime into it, while Nepeta did the same with the sugar and her own cup. They both took there cup and sipped the tea. Gamzee leaned back and smiled at Nep.
"Soooo... What's purstering you Pawzee" Nepeta asked wide eyed.
More relaxed with fresh slime in his system Gamzee didn't think before answering.
"ErIdIaN mAdE uSe dO a SlOpPy MaKeOuT" and was instantly embarrassed.
Nepeta choked on the tea, since she was in the middle of taking a sip.
"WoW sIs, YoU mOtHeRfUcKeN aLl RiGhT?" He had a hand on her back gently patting her Back.
"NO! How dar3 h3 do that to you!" Nepeta was filled with rage. But it wasn't quite rage she felt....
She started into the teacup. She was blatantly saddened, even the stoned capricorn could tell. He moved the tray to the ground and slid to her side, putting an arm around her. Nepita tried to hide her slight blush.
"But at l3ast h3 wasn't your first..." Nepeta said trying to reassure herself. But that was shattered when she felt Gamzee tense up.
She looked up at him, putting the pieces together. "H3.... was?" Gamzee slowly nodded.
Gamzee zoned out and was lost, muttering to himself about how he wouldn't count that as his first, about how he couldn't count it. Nepeta repeatedly slapped his knee to make him snap out of it. He snapped out of it.
"Ah.... SoRrY nEp." Gamzee said, was he finally came back.
"Don't b3" She sighed. "So how did it happ3n." She was really curios about it, she loved romance.
Gamzee saw no point in not wanting to talk about it "WeLl.... We wErE aLl Up In TaLkInG aBoUt My ReD FeElS, aNd He ThOuGhT i WaS rEd FoR hIm."
Nepita blushed, thinking of Gamzee's red thoughts. "So do you f33l r3d for him" She teased.
Gamzee chuckled "Na, He'S a BrO, aNd OnLy ThAt." He smiled. as he looked at the cat girl next to him.
Nepeta then stretched out across Gamzee's lap, with her face facing upward. "So who is it th3n" and Gamzee was tense again. "Don't worry, I won't t3ll h3r.... or him." she said shrugging.
Gamzee let out an awkward chuckles "WeLl If I tElL yOu.... ThEn ShE wIlL mOtHeRfUcKeN kNoW." He blushed so hard and could only look away from her.