63- labor?

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i love summer, i always have. i just don't like being pregnant in summer, especially with triplets.
it's so hot out today, maybe 34 degrees celsius.
i'm sitting outside on a lounge chair. drinking a lemonade on ice, with a straw.
i've been having braxton hicks all day, really bad too.
my back hurts really bad too.
nick went out on a lunch date, exciting.
matt's taking a nap i think. so is brayden. she said her tummy was hurting to i put her in bed. i hope she's not getting sick.
it's so goddamn hot. i'm going inside.
i got up from my chair and headed inside. chris was on the couch, scrolling something on his phone.
i stopped in front of the counter.
"chris come here."
i can feel the babies kicking, i can see too.
he tip toed into the kitchen.
"what's up?"
"come feel this." i smiled, my hand on my stomach. i pulled up my shirt.
he put his hand on my stomach and felt the babies. he looked up at me with the biggest smile.
i know he's been wanting another baby, just as bad as me. but i know for sure that he didn't want 3.
he's been really worried, i can tell.
i think he's worried to the point were he's getting distant. like he does when he has something that's killing him.
and im getting worried about him. like maybe it's something else on his mind.
"i can feel them." he got a pink tint on his cheeks, the way he does when he's REALLY happy.
"babe?" i looked in his eyes.
i took a breathe through my nose. "are you okay?"
"what do you mean? im fine."
"be honest chris. i know you. somethings off."
he sighed. "im scared to death Y/N." he dropped his smile. "i know that brayden turned out fine, but she was only one baby. 3 is a lot, and i was reading.. with multiples a lot of things can go wrong. we could lose you, or one of or all of the babies, especially with that..history of it." he swallowed, his addams apple bobbing.
"i'm going to be okay..and as for the babies..we'll still have eachother." i hugged him, tight. it hurt my back so bad to hug him, but i know he needed this.
"mommy!!" brayden called from upstairs.
i kissed chris' shoulder. "i love you so much, chrissy."
"i love  you more, y/n/n."
"mama!!" brayden called again.
i let go of chris.
"i gotta go see braydie."
i painfully went the stairs and to brays room. she was tucked into her bed still, with a terrified look.
"you didn't throw up, did you?" i asked, with a small laugh.
"no.." a year fell from her eye.
"what's wrong, baby?" i sat on her bed.
"i think i'm dying."
she flung her blanket aside, there was a huge splotch of blood on her bed.
i laughed.
"brayden james!" i tickled her. "you got your period!"
"what's that?"
"every month your going to bleed, out of you privates. but it's normal so don't be worried."
she's getting so big, i'm so excited to do this all over again, with 3 more babies. "come on, let's clean you up."
i pulled her out of bed and we headed to the bathroom.
"here's some new undies. i'm gonna show you how to use a pad ok?"
oh shit. this babies are driving me crazy.

i showed her how and got her cleaned up.
the pain with the babies has been 2x worse than earlier.
i put brayden to bed around 8:30, since she's really tired.
right now it's about 9:00pm, chris and i are watching a movie, matt's in his room and nick hasn't been back all day, he texted me and said he was going to alahna's.
i've barely been able to make it through this movie, the pain has been so bad.
for this pregnancy we had decided on a home birth, so i have a really nice midwife, sarah.
i'm debating on calling her, i'm worried somethings wrong. i don't wanna let chris know though, since he's so worried.
i guess i just text sarah.


hey, i've been having really bad braxton hicks and back pain for about 8 hours now, i'm worried somethings wrong.

is that it? have you lost your mucus plug?

not that i know of
ok. keep me posted.

i love you..~~chris sturniolo x y/n Where stories live. Discover now