Chapter 10: Rosadon

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Rosadon was my second level 85. (Summerbreeze was actually my third.) She is an undead mage, and at first when I had created her, I thought she would just be another alt. Even my dad came up and said "Another character?"

Then again, he always says that.

I had started Rosadon in the hopes of questing for the first time. I had decided to quest for as long as possible, and experience the story line for once. 

I have never really quested, mainly because I dislike the idea of having to complete an objective on my own that risked dying. You may think that's silly, but... it really bothered me.

The new re-made starting zones for Cataclysm were encouraging, though. They finally allowed me to work up the courage to go out and quest, all by myself. 

This wasn't exactly the best idea, considering I had made a MAGE. Mages, for those of you who don't know, are casters. Cloth-armor-wearers. Squishy. Glass Cannons. I can go on. Simply put, they are not the strongest of classes and therefore not the best to go out all alone with.

But it was exhilarating.

Constantly fighting off mobs to save Rosa's life and complete the task that the quest-giver desperately needed me to complete was exciting. I got into character, and became a risen servant of the Banshee Queen. I completed the quests for mild rewards offered by those who desperately needed a hero's help.

Although questing through Tirisfal glades was tough, going through Silverpine and Hillsbrad was one of the BEST experiences I have had by myself on WoW. The quests were simple, and had a wonderful story. They were also flippin' hilarious at times.

I don't recall much about Rosa's rise to main. All I remember really was that I joined a guild in Hillsbrad... it was something Legends. I did do a normal raid with them once, but it was nothing like with Summer.

Rosadon became filthy rich easily (I don't even know HOW). I believe she sits at a comfortable fifteen thousand gold at the moment. I dont really remember. 

I fell in love with the way I could play my mage. As an Arcane mage, I had a "faceroll" rotation. I took it seriously though, and grew to have the rotation memorized. Arcane blast x3, arcane torrent, arcane missiles whenever activated, something something... Gosh it's really been a while. My nuke phase was just to spam Arcane blast until I ran out of mana, then evocate, then mana gem, then go back to regular rotation. I don't know why I'm telling you this.

After Mists of Pandaria came out, I tried to play my mage.

And failed.

Rosadon is now tucked away on the shelf of the character list, extremely dusty. The new mage stuff threw me for a loop, and even though I had prepared for this, I just couldn't get it. The new rotation, and all the new spells added and all the old ones removed, I felt out of it. Rosadon just can't be played anymore.

She used to be my favorite, and was my first true Horde character that wasn't below level thirty.

I can't recall many fond memories of her, and I really don't know why. 

Maybe one day I'll finally suck it up and play her again. One day...

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