Return to school

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"We're here sweetheart" my dad says

I quickly get out of the car and take a look around at all the people hugging and reuniting after the summer break

"Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice

I turn around and smile when I see my best friend running towards me with a big smile on her face


I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her tightly, I kiss her on the cheek and then pull away

"How was your summer?" I ask

"It was pretty good, expect for my mother constantly complaining that I haven't wolfed out yet, what about yours?"

"It was amazing! My parents and I went to Italy"

"What?! No way!"

I nod and take out my phone to show Enid the pictures and videos I took while I was on vacation

"Y/n, honey"

I look to my right and see my parents near the car

"I'm gonna go say goodbye to my parents, I'll be right back"

I walk towards mom and dad and they pull me into a hug

"We love you sweetheart" they say

"I love you too"

They kiss me on the cheek and walk towards the car

"I'll call you tonight" I say

They wave at me and get in the car, I watch as they drive away and once the car is out of my sight I turn around, I grab the handle of my luggages and walk towards my friend

"Should we go to our rooms?"

"Yeah, let's go" she grabs her things

We go inside and make our way to Ophelia Hall
I open the door and smile when I spot my roommate sitting on her bed

"Hey Spencer"

She smiles and walks towards me

"Hi Y/n"

I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" I say

I walk towards my bed and place my luggages next to it, I lay down and relax for a bit

"We should get going, it's almost time for Weems usual 'Welcome back' speech"

I nod and we leave the room. We soon arrive at the quad, as Enid calls it, and Spencer goes towards her group of friends

I soon spot my werewolf friend and go sit next to her, five minutes later principal Weems arrives and starts her speech

"Hello students and teachers! Welcome to Nevermore Academy! I hope you all had a wonderful summer break" she says

"First, I'm sad to inform you all that your Botanical Sciences teacher and Ophelia Hall dorm mom, Mrs Collins, won't come back this year"

Most of the students, including me, gasp and start whispering among themselves

"Silence please"

Once everyone is quiet, Weems starts talking again

"I know it's a shocking news but she made her decision and we must respect it"

"I wonder who'll teach us now" Enid whispers in my ear

"Now, I would like to introduce you all to your new Botanical Sciences teacher and Ophelia Hall dorm mom. She's a normie..."

At that information, the whispers start again

"A normie? Is Weems serious" I hear Bianca say


Principal Weems steps back from the microphone and looks to her left. A redhead, dressed in a floral patterned dress combined with a brown jacket and a pair of bright red boots, walks towards the microphone. She looks at us and adjusts her glasses

"Hello everyone, I'm Marilyn Thornhill"

She briefly introduces herself and then Weems takes the lead again, ten minutes later the principal dismisses us and we all go back to our rooms to unpack
I close the luggage and slip it under my bed next to the other one, I stand up and take out my phone to text Enid

Y: Wanna go to town?

E: Sure! Let's meet at the gate in ten minutes

I put on a jacket and leave the room, I arrive at the front gate of the school and wait for my friend

"I'm here, let's go"

We start walking and we soon arrive in town

"Let's go get a coffee" Enid says

We enter the Weathervane and go order

"A cappuccino" I say

"And a mocha"

"That'll be 12,45$"

We pay and go sit at a booth, fifteen minutes later Tyler walks towards us and places our coffees on the table

"So, what do you think the new teacher is like?"

"She seems nice...I hope they won't treat her like crap just because she's a normie" I say



After a tour of the school and going over the rules, principal Weems takes me to Ophelia Hall

"This is your room"

She opens the door and we step inside

"You can decorate it any way you want"

I nod and walk towards the bed

"Lunch is at 1pm and if you need anything you know where my office is"

"Thank you principal Weems" I smile

She nods and leaves, I open one of the boxes and start unpacking my stuff


I arrive at Ophelia Hall and walk up the stairs,  while I walk towards my room I hear some noises and I decide to go see what's going on

I see an open door and quietly tip toe towards it, I take a look inside and see Miss Thornhill, she looks to her left and notices me

"Can I help you?"

"N-no, it's just that I saw the door open and I guess I got curious...I'm sorry" I look down

"It's okay, don't worry about it"

I look at the redhead and she shows me a big smile

"What's your name?"

"Y/n Y/l/n"

"Nice to meet you"

I smile and take a step back

"Welcome to Nevermore Academy Miss Thornhill"

I show her a small smile, turn around and leave, I arrive in my room and lay down on the bed

"Let's go, it's lunch time" Spencer says twenty minutes later

I get up and we leave the room

Hello everyone 😃
This was the first chapter of my Marilyn Thornhill x Reader fanfiction
This fanfiction wont follow the plot of the serie
Marilyn Thornhill is just a normie that teaches at Nevermore, all the members of the Gates family are dead and Tyler is just a normie
This is all for now, have a good day/night 💞

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