First kiss

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I get out of the car and help my grandma take out my luggages


I smile and turn around, Enid is on me in an instant and I let out a giggle, I wrap my arms around her waist and spin her around

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

I put her down and kiss her on the cheek

"Enid, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is my best friend"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Y/l/n" the werewolf says

"You can call me Lindsay"

I smile and watch my grandma hug my best friend
Principal Weems dismisses us and we all leave the quad, while I make my way towards my room I spot a familiar redhead and I smile

I walk towards Miss Thornhill and she sees me, she smiles and I feel my cheeks heating up

"Hi honey"

She pulls me into a hug and my heart skips a beat

It feels so good to be in her arms

She kisses me on the cheek and then pulls away

"How was your summer?"

"I-it was good" I say

"Are you okay? Your face is a little red"

"Y-yeah I'm fine...i-it's just that it's a little hot in here"

The redhead nods and adjusts her glasses

"I- I have to go unpack...I'll see you tomorrow in class"

I show her a small smile and quickly walk away
*A week later*

I enter the Weathervane and walk towards the counter

"A mocha please"

"That'll be 4,45$"

I take out my wallet and pay, Tyler starts making my drink and while I wait I hear a familiar laugh

I look to my left and see Miss Thornhill sitting at a booth, she's not alone and I quickly recognize the man sitting across from her

They both get up and leave

"There you go"

"Thanks Tyler"

I grab the cup and leave, I see my Botanical Sciences professor and the blonde haired man hugging and I clench the cup that I'm holding

I start walking towards them and put on a fake smile

"Miss Thornhill! Hi!"

When I'm close enough to the two adults, I 'trip' on something and spill my drink all over the man


I watch as Y/n spills her drink all over Lucas and I gasp

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" the girl says

"It's okay, it was just an accident"

The man looks at me and shows me a small smile

"It was nice hanging out with you Marilyn"

He gets closer to me and kisses me on the cheek, from the corner of my eye I see Y/n clenching the cup she's holding and I furrow my eyebrows

Is she...jealous?

A little spark of hope lights up in my chest and I bite my lip


I watch as the man kisses Miss Thornhill on the cheek and I clench the empty cup that I'm holding

If he doesn't pull away in the next two seconds I'll set his pants on fire


He finally leaves and I start relaxing, I turn my head and look at my professor

"Again, I'm so sorry" I lie

I'm not sorry at all

"I tripped and-"

The redhead places her index finger on my lips to shush me and my heart skips a beat

"There's no need to apologize honey"

God, I love it when she calls me honey

She cups my cheek and I let out a small gasp


My phone starts ringing and I groan, I reluctantly pull away from Miss Thornhill and answer the call
*A month later*

I open my eyes and sit up, suddenly two arms wrap around my body and I let out a squeal

"Happy birthday!" my roommate says

She kisses me on the cheek and then releases me

"Jesus Christ scared me"


I watch as she stands up, goes to her desk and opens one of the drawers, she grabs something and then makes her way towards me

"Here's your gift"

I smile and grab it. As I'm about to unwrap it, the door opens and in a matter of seconds two arms envelope me

"Happy 18th birthday bestie!"
I sit on the ground and take off my shoes, I dip my feet in the water and close my eyes

A few minutes later my phone vibrates so I take it out of my jeans' pocket and look at the message

G: Happy birthday sweetheart <3

I smile and reply to my grandma's text. Suddenly, something wet lands on my nose so I look up and notice that it's starting to rain

I take my feet out of the water and quickly put on my shoes, I stand up and start running

In a matter of seconds the rain starts getting heavy and I feel my clothes sticking to my body

Five minutes later, I reach the school and get under a roof. I start shivering and rub my arms with my hands


I turn my head and see Miss Thornhill


"You're wet from head to toe! What happened?"

"I- I was at the lake and i-it started raining all of a sudden" I sneeze

"Oh honey..."

The redhead takes off her jacket and puts it on my shoulders
I exit the bathroom and sit on the bed

"Here's some tea for you"

"Thank you"

I grab the cup and take a sip, my professor sits next to me and puts her hand on my leg

"How are you feeling?"


I put the cup on the bedside table and look at the redhead, she smiles and gets a bit closer

She cups my cheek and I lean into her touch, she gets even closer and her nose brushes against mine

"Please..." I say

Miss Thornhill places her lips on mine and I close my eyes, I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer to me

A few seconds later she pulls away and I open my eyes to look at her, she smiles and rubs my cheek with her thumb

"Happy birthday honey"

Here we are...Y/n is of legal age and kissed Marilyn 😄
Let me know if you liked the chapter
Love you lots <3

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