Chapter 2

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It was the day before the Exams and Y/N was currently talking to his mother about what's happening soon.

Toshinora: Y/N, I'm very proud of you. Though I'm sure you know what tomorrow is right?

Y/N: Of course, the UA Enterance Exams.

Toshinora: Correct, now I want to know, it's not too late, but would you like for me to give you a recommendation?

Y/N: I didn't work as hard as I did just to not put it to use. I will refuse it because I want to prove myself to others that I'm strong enough to handle it.

She smiled as her sons little speech.

Toshinora: All right, but what will you do if young Izumi doesn't make it and you do?

Y/N: Then I refuse to go unless my girlfriend is there with me.
He stated.

This surprised her greatly. But smiled at his protective nature for her. As she felt like a mother figure to her throughout the time they train together. And she couldn't be anymore happier for her son and her successor.

Though was a bit worried what would happen afterwards as it would be the big reveal. And she will fight for him, even if it means she loses her number 1 hero spot. She didn't care as this was her son. The same boy she took in all those years ago, and will still raise until the day she dies.

It was now the day of the UA Enterance Exams and right now we see Y/N and Izumi walking together.

(This is what he's wearing

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(This is what he's wearing. He has no collar and it wearing combat boots.)

As they were walking Izumi was in the verge of tripping but she was swiftly caught by Y/N who smiled at her as she smiled back.

Izumi: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem, can't let my girlfriend trip on her big day. I heard that it's considered bad luck.

They made their way in though Y/N got different looks ranging from curious, to strange, to lust due to his physical body. But he didn't think too much about it though Izumi looked at them with a smile that said, "Get close to him, your dead".

They were finished with the written part of the Exam and listening to the procture until some girl with blue hair stood up complaining a bit about how she didn't explain about the 4th robot.

Then she turned her attention to Izumi saying her muttering was distracting. And then turned her attention to Y/N....

Blue Hair: And you the male!! I didn't know why you're here but you need to leave right now!!

Y/N didn't say anything at all just looked at her with a bored look on his face.

Blue Hair: What are you brain dead!? I said your kind isn't allowed here! Leave now!!

Present Mic: Ok that's enough! The young man is more than welcome to attempt the exam as he has already passed the written exam! And for your question, yes there is a 4th robot that is called the Zero Pointer. But do not engage with it as it just an obstacle!

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