Chapter 4

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It was the next few days and things at UA were alright to say the least. Many of the female students didn't approve of Y/N's presence.

Some don't really mind it as they thought it was a nice change of pace. Soem have tried to bully him only to end up imbedded in the wall. Some have tried to press charges against him but since it was in self defense he wasn't in any trouble.

Y/N and Lidas friendship started off a bit rocky but they got along well. Ururaka and Y/N got along well with eachother, especially a red haired girl who's name was Ejira Kirishima. Along with some of the other classmates. Though alot of the class didn't like the fact that there was a guy.

Today was any other day in class Y/N was talking to Kirishima about different training methods and which was better. Izumi was conversating with Ururaka about typical slice of life things and Lida was well.....being Lida.

Then someone screamed while walking in the class.


Y/N: (I wouldn't really call that anywhere close to "normal" mom.)
He thought sweatdropping as the whole class was excited to see All Might teaching the class.

All Might: That's right students. And today I'll be teaching you....

She pulled out a flashcard that said....

Katsuka: Combat....
She said a maniacal grin started to form.

Y/N: (Training? Huh, well at least it'll be interesting. Maybe I can see how strong everyone is.)
He thought as a smile formed on his face.

All Might: Thats right class I'll be teaching you Heroics 101! But who said you could be a hero without looking the part?
She said as she pushed a button on a remote.

As she did a wall of suitcases appeared and each one with a different number on it.

All Might: Inside each of these cases is your very own hero suit that was graciously provided by the hero administration. Also, young Yagi, there is now a changing room for you to change into your hero suit in.

Y/N: Thank you ma'am.

All Might: Alright then everyone get suited up and meet me at gym ground Beta!
She said before dashing away.

All the students left to the changing rooms with their cases. As the girls were changing A certain grape haired perv had an idea.

Mineta: Hey, Momo can I ask a favor from you?

Momo: Uhh, sure?

Mineta: Can you make me a drill?

Momo: Why?

Mineta: Come on you should know the reason. We are literally standing next to a gold mine this opportunity is something most of us could dream.

Izumi who overheard their conversation understood exactly what she was talking about.

Kirishima: Ok, that is just disgusting.

Mineta: Oh come on! Don't tell me you're not at least curious about what he's packing!?

She was about to continue only for her head to get smashed into the ground by Izumi.

Izumi: If you even think about it, I will kill you myself.
She said releasing a bit of bloodlust.

This scared the class abit. Even Katsuka was surprised how the shy and quiet girl she knows just basically threatened to take someone's life.

Izumi quickly finished getting dressed and went to the training ground while the rest of the class was still in a stunned state.

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