Chapter 1 : Flying in an ocean of Stars.

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I don't know how much time I stayed passed out. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was a group of blurry figures vaguely resembling humans or animals. I could hear someone shouting "She's awake!", but it seemed so distant... After a few minutes of trying to get back to reality, I had finally regained my senses. All of the creatures had left, except one, still looking down at me with a strange look, like I was the weirdest creature he ever saw.

-Weird... Really weird... I heard him mutter under his breath before he turned his back to me, looking around, then turning back to me and offering his hand, helping me to stand up.

I looked around, trying to remember where I was. I was inside what looked like the inside of a really big house, mixed with one of these spaceships interiors you could see in movies. There was everything we could have needed, a kitchen, bathrooms, a cargo bay... I still couldn't remember where I was though, my head was heavy and my memory blurry. I took a better look at the man who helped me stand up. He was wearing a black jacket, probably made of leather, along with matching black jeans, probably not leather that time, and black shoes, very diverse style. His medium length, brown hair. I couldn't see his eyes from here. I decided to ask him where I was, and who were all these people. I slowly approached him, menacing to fall over with each step, and asked with a weak and trembling voice :

-Ex-Excuse me... Huh... Wh-...Where are we?... ...And wh-...Who are you and all these people?..

He turned around and looked down at me, as if I asked the stupidest question there is, then smiled and answered :

-We're inside a Starship, of course! He stretched his arms and turned around, as if to tell me to look around, but I was too weak. As for who we are... We're aliens adventuring around the Universe, of course!

-...Aliens?... But... That's fiction, no? I asked, looking around again, making sure I wasn't dreaming.

-For humans, of course, it is. But we sure are real. There are billions of planets and alien races out there!

I looked at him, totally confused. I noticed his eyes keep switching colors, going from brown to green, to blue, to red, and all the other colors you could imagine.

-What's a... Huh... "Starship"?

-A Starchild's spaceship, of course! What else could it be?


-Oh, come on! Don't tell me you don't know what a Starchild is!

-..No.. No, sorry, I don't know...

-Come on, Alice! You ARE a Starchild!

-...I'm a... ...What?..

-A Starchild! Are you not listening to what I'm saying?

-...Yes... But... You must be making an error.. I'm just a simple human..

-Of course you're not! Just because you were born from an human doesn't mean you ARE human! You have the soul of a Starchild, I can feel it.

-...Talking about being born from humans, where's Mom? Does she know I'm here? Is she okay?

-She is not your mother, Alice. You don't have parents. You were born from a Star, then your soul was transferred into an human body. You're a Starchild. Forget about her.

-I can't forget about her! She's my mother! Bring me back home!

-I'm afraid I can't do that, Alice. We can't stop mid-flight, we might crash into another spaceship, or a planet.

-I HAVE to go back! You've made an error, I'm an human, as normal as can be!

-No, Alice. You're a Starchild, show me your hand.

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