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"He... is Jerusalem."

You told yourself that over and over again...

You weren't supposed to come across him,

in his life.

You were supposed to avoid getting involved in his life.

Or else you might change history.

You've been warned before.

But you choose to save him instead.

What are the odds of time travel then if you had?

You might can't return anymore.

But what to lose when everything you love is here instead..?


* * *

In the year 2022, the present day, 17th of December.

The funeral took place and there were unfamiliar faces you have never seen before. You somehow felt small and nervous as people's eyes were on you. This is your uncle's funeral. You did recognize some faces, however; his exes. You're uncle, Duke Donovan is your father, and your mother; your only parent. You hold a white rose and you said your last goodbye with tears running down from your eyes. The funeral went smoothly. And it was finally over, people one by one left but only one stood with you until the end. You felt imbalanced and almost fall, and the person who stood beside you grabs you before you fall. It must be fatigue, you think. But truth be told, you haven't eaten anything for the past two days. You just can't bring yourself to.

Then he walks side by side with you and takes you to his car. Both of you went to have breakfast at a restaurant not far from there because he knows you haven't had anything this morning and these past two days. He urged you to order and eat something, which you did but only eat a spoonful after. The man that accompanies you is your uncle's lawyer and his best friend, Tristan Will.

"It's a good decision. The faster the burial is, the best for him," he said looking at you. "Most people just, took longer because they couldn't bring themselves to. But it's actually bad for them.."

"I know." You said.

You remembered back then when Tristan asks you when your uncle, Duke should be buried. You were shocked at first but Tristan convinced you that decision is on you and he'll handle the rest. And so you thought, the faster the better. You don't want him to suffer more. He should finally rest.

"When he-uh, he told me before that you were scared of dogs." He looks at you for your confirmation.

You nod, confused by his question. "I do."

"I have a cat so.. do you scared of cats too?" He looks worried.

"Not really, but I do, however... find them annoying." You admit. Well, cats love attention. You never have them but you still think they and you are a no-no.

"You'll love her!", he exclaims. He tells you that he has a cat named Luna. A Bombay black cat. You were surprised he took in a black cat because a lot of people believe the bad omen they bring. But he just brushes it off. He doesn't believe those stuff. He then tells some stories about Luna. So you noted that he has a cat named Luna and is a cat lover.

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