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A/N: Sorry guys, I edited this chapter!! I only edit some words I think need to change. Sorry it's not a new chapter but one is coming soon. Last edit: 10/01/2023.


You hear the adzan, the call for prayer not long after. You took a look outside your tent, people were gathering at a place, a bit further from the camps to pray. They truly are Muslims, you thought. You then decide to just stay inside the tent until they finished their prayers; so as to not disturb them. You cleanse yourself with some water and a damp cloth and then wear the clothing Khalid gives you before. You separate your hair into two sides, dutch braid your hair, and make it into two lower buns. You use the long ripped clothes that now look like the ribbon clothes version you make, and you tie your hair with them. You then sit on the rug that covers the inside tent. You look at your phone, still no connection. The battery is not looking good either. You sigh. You try to process what just happened to you. You took out your necklace that you hide under your clothes and start to stare at it. You were so sure this the-necklace of yours is the reason why you were here in the first place.

You stare at the ruby stone. You were so sure it shines before when you were drowned. You touch it and shook it. You hope it would shine again and take you back, but it didn't. You felt infuriated about this but at the same time, you were grateful. If it didn't shine back then and take you here... then you won't be alive. Maybe. You don't know. Like does it really need to take you around 900 years back in time? Who does that? Why it can't just take you to the ground as it did back then at the oasis- but at your time. You sigh again.

You then open the inside, which is still empty. You haven't decided what to put in there. You want to go for a small pic but you just haven't done that yet. You thought you have a lot of time, but now... can you even make it back and have a pic inside it? You regret you haven't done that sooner. Once you come back, you will definitely do that. You worry about things back at your home too. Anitta and Tristan must be searching for you... You silently blame yourself.

Then feels like 10 minutes have passed, and no sound prayers were heard. You grab a cloak given to you earlier when you are at the caravan and you wear it. You cover your head. You then went outside.

You went to the campfire that Khalid invites you to before not far from your tent. There is nobody there when you arrived. You were hesitant. To wait or to leave... You just decide to leave and as you turn around, a voice of a young man calls you.

"Are you waiting for Khalid?" the young man asks.

You turn to look at the owner of the soft voice. Somehow around your age, "Yes," you reply.

He smiles. "Please wait here, he'll come soon," he said as he sits in front of the campfire. He then offers the spaces next to the campfire. "Please make yourself comfortable."

You just nod and take the offer. You decide to take a seat next to him.

"I'm Ridwan, Khalid's brother." He introduces himself.

"I'm y/n." You to introduce yourself.

His face lit up. "The attire fits you," he compliments you.

You nod. You pull the cloak's headcover close to your face. And you went to silence.

"Don't worry, everyone here know each other. Word would come out if anyone were to harm you. No one dares. We will be in big trouble if we are to keep a Christian girl. The Sultan himself would make an example of them." He says as he shook his head as if remembering a certain bad event.

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