The Beginning

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*This is a fictional multi-layered, multi-book story that expands over thirty years of my character Scarlett's life. (I keep adding to it) It's purely from her perspective. I've started writing from (you'll know who eventually) perspective, but it has a long way to go. This work does not reflect any part of my life or anyone that I know. I get wordy and deep, emotional - as that is why I write. Every part of it speaks to me in a way thats indescribable. 

The books are to be read in order. Instead of going from present to past, it starts from the beginning. No flashbacks.

It starts slow. I cover a lotto family background to make the reader understand the reasons for what my main character does. 

This book will end just before high school. Then there are two books to high school. Two books to college. One young adult life, and then lastly - adulthood.

Many parts are be triggering, so beware, and read at your own risk. But it's a love story, through and through. 


"The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever."



A six letter word.

A complicated six letter word.

A complicated six letter word full of many different ways to define it.

Think of your family.

Maybe your parents are divorced, maybe you're adopted, maybe you have a sister that's bipolar, or have an uncle that has cancer. Maybe you have a half-sibling because they showed up at your door one day claiming your dad had an affair. Maybe your parents are fighting about money. Maybe one of them is an alcoholic or a drug addict. Maybe you've been in and out of foster care. Maybe you have two dads or have been raised by a single mom. Maybe you have parents who love each other unconditionally and embarrass you with how affectionate they are. The list is exhaustive and I could go on. But that isn't the point.

So now to my family's complicated story.

My mama's parents were Margret Serra Magnusson and Kristjan Nikolas Guonadottir. They were both born and raised in Husavik, Iceland, a town of just over two thousand people. Húsavík is the site of the first house built in Iceland, in the year 860, by Swedish viking Garðar Svavarsson.

Both were your stereotypical blond hair, blue eyed, and fair skinned.

Kristjan was an only child to two physicians. His parents were rarely around, always working especially in the peak summertime to get the extra money for the harsh winters, leaving Kristjan alone to do whatever he wanted.

Margret was the fourth kid of seven and counting, born from a fisherman and a stay at home wife. Margret was often overlooked and was held responsible for doing a lot of the cooking and cleaning, putting the younger ones to bed. She was the eldest girl and her daddy had strict rules with her. She wasn't allowed to date until she was of age at eighteen, especially the boy from the other side of town, Kristjan. But when her daddy was gone on his trips, Margret did the opposite to spite him. Her mama was too busy with the other kids, so she got away with it, after the chores were done. Every time her daddy came home from a long work trip, it was to spend time with his wife, (they didn't believe in protection. They wanted as many kids as they could have, even when they couldn't afford it.)

Margret and Kristjan grew up together, but never really interacted until high school. At one party Kristjan threw their freshman year, Margret snuck out and went with her best friend Ella, and the rest was history from that night on. They were inseparable. It was Margret and Kristjan. They were high school sweethearts and everyone close to them knew it. When Margret got pregnant her sophomore year, both families were so livid, but only because her family wanted her help around the house and his were upset because they thought their only son was on the medical school path as well.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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