Chapter Twelve

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I woke up five hours later as we pulled into a truck stop somewhere in Nevada. I glanced over at Pixis and he gave me a toothy grin.

"I'm tired, but you were plumb tuckered out. I've got to fuel up, shower and get some grub. I'm going on to California after that. If you want to ride further, just be back here in an hour. Sound good?" I nodded and thanked him again for the ride as I got out.

I felt groggy from sleeping, but otherwise okay. Looking around, I saw we were in a fairly nice little town. I decided I would go look around for a few minutes and then decide what to do. I was only three blocks down the street when I saw the flickering lights in the distance. It was a movie theatre. As I got closer, I felt my chest tightening. It was the one from Eren's painting.

"Hey there. Welcome to the Phoenix." The guy standing at the candy counter of the theatre looked a little younger than me, and while he seemed friendly enough, he also looked slightly concerned. "If you're here for the horror double-feature, I'm afraid the second movie is about thirty minutes in. I can give you a half-rate if you want to see it though." I shook my head and tried to not look as strange and crazy as I felt.

"No, that's okay. I... well, I recognised this place from a picture and friend of mine painted. So I came in to ask if you knew anything about her." He raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

"Okay, weird." He smiled and added, "Weird but interesting. Who is he?" I swallowed.

"His name is... well, was, Eren Jaeger." I expected him to look surprised or excited or angry, but I could see right away the name meant nothing to him.

Shaking his head, he shrugged again. "Sorry, that doesn't ring a bell." Nodding, I searched my mind for something else to ask.

"Is there anything unique about this place then? Its' history or something?" The man grinned.

"Buddy, you're clearly not from here. This place is super boring. Not just the theatre, but the whole town." Frowning in thought, he added. "The only thing I know about the history of this place is that there used to be a house here that burned down. This was like in 1920s or 30s when this wasn't even a part of town. Couldn't tell you the first thing about it beyond that, but I still bet it's the most interesting thing that's ever happened here."

I let out a disappointed sigh. "Okay. Well, thanks." I turned to leave when the guy called out again. "Hey man, sorry I couldn't help more. If you come back, I'll get you a discount on a movie. Half-off. If I'm not working, tell them Jean said it was okay." I waved and tried to smile as I headed for the door with a heavy heart. Why did you lead me here, Eren? What's here that will help?

 I was outside again, staring up at the theatre's bright blinking signs as though they were going to give me some kind of secret signal, when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. There was an alley that ran along side the theatre and went behind it to.. something. Whatever was back there, the light of a distant security lamp cast shadows along the wall of the alley, and those shadows were moving.

Instead of feeling afraid, I felt excited as I started down the alley. Eren had led me here, and I just had to trust that there was a reason for it. Keep looking until I... The shadows were made by leaves blowing some wind I couldn't feel. As I got to the far end of the alley, I saw there was a small back yard behind the theatre surrounded by chain link fence, and on the other side of that fence was the tree from Eren's painting, with its deep red twisting bark and foam of green leaves waving to and fro in the night air.

I felt a surge of warmth in my chest as the distant singing began again. This was the place. The special tree that could not be found unless it wanted you to find it. I had a strong sense that I was the first to see it in a very long time. Climbing the fence, I felt a jagged wire dig into my leg and rip my pants as I fell over the top. I could smell the tree now, and it was a rich, good smell unlike any other I had smelled before.

Reaching out to it, I had felt the singing grow louder as I touched it. I felt stronger and less afraid then, and when I saw the light opening up at its roots, I didn't tremble, I smiled. There was a hidden tunnel under the tree. A tunnel filled with sweet-smelling air that was like the tree smell but also different.

And the tunnel wasn't dark - no, not at all. It glowed with its own golden light that called to me, urged me forward. Rain was beginning to fall as I looked around the dark lot. I had the thought that I was leaving this world behind. And I found I didn't mind that much at all. The tunnel had continued to grow, slanting down gently and tall enough that I walked in without stooping.

I looked back and saw the that tunnel had closed behind me, but I wasn't surprised. The way forward was the only way that mattered. I walked for what might have been hours, but I never felt tired or hungry. And I never worried I was lost, though I had no idea where I was or where I was going.

Still, I felt a surge of happiness and excitement when I turned a corner and saw something in the tunnel ahead. As I got closer I realised it was a brick wall, but just as I began to think I  had found a dead end, the wall faded away, revealing a dark room.

I paused at the edge of the tunnel, looking out at the floor of what looked like a basement. It was empty, but in the light from the tree I could make out something scratched into the floor. It was the number two. I felt my pulse  quicken as I thought back to Eren's painting with the theatre seats, and then I stepped out into the room.

It was the empty basement of a house, and as I went up the stairs and opened the door, I saw that the rest of the house was empty as well. No lights were on, but bright sunlight poured in through every window and in the distance I could hear what sounded like small waves crashing on a beach.

I wanted to go out and see where I was, but I forced myself to check the house first for any people or clues. But there were none. The house was utterly bare of any sign of people other than the number scratched into the floor below.

My nose tingled with salty air as I stepped outside. The house was near the beach on what I soon figured out was a small, deserted island, and I realised with little surprise that I recognised the house from Eren's painting. As I stepped off the porch, I saw no signs of people, but I wasn't entirely alone.

Because sitting some distance from the house, was the tree. I knew it couldn't be the same tree as in the abandoned lot, but at the same time I knew that it was. Because I had started having that thought as soon as I stepped out of the house.




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