Hideout. Today. 8p.m.

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A few days have passed since Eddie and I hang out, it was the first thing that I told Malie in the morning. She was very excited for me and told me the whole ride to school what a great couple we would be. And she hasn't stopped with that since.

"Good morning Love! Get in the car!" She greeted me. I playfully rolled my eyes at her and went to the passenger side of her car and got inside.

"Sooo, have you seen him again?" She asked starting the engine

"No, we haven't hung out since, but it's been only like 3 days so..."

"So what? Ask him if he wants to hang out with you again! Where's the problem?"

"I don't know.. don't you think that would be a little weird? I mean he haven't spoken with each other before he bumped I to me, and that night it was only because he heard us singing.. what if he wanted to make fun of me?"

"Y/n.. people who want to make fun of someone don't tell them the story of their life, neither do they hug the person. He likes you!"

"How can you say that, we literally don't know each other."

"Well then it's time that you get to know him."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know, maybe start with talking more with him at school, you'll see what's going to happen."

We arrived at the parking lot and made our ways out of the car, into the building. Malie and I talked a bit i front of my locker, before she made her way to her classroom. She had history with Mr. Baker, so sue needed to be there 10 minutes before it starts, he's a strickt prick, not gonna lie.

I closed my locker and turned around, when suddenly someone was standing there.
"Oh my god, I guess my soul left my body."

"Am I that ugly?"

"The ugliest!" I said sarcastically "No, you just scared me Munson. What can I do for you?"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to walk with you to class since we both have science, I thought we could walk there.. together."

"Yeah you mentioned that, uhm, of course we can walk to class together."

I gave him a warm smile, he seems to be nervous, maybe it's because mrs. Bake is just like her Husband, very strict, especially when it comes to Eddie. We walked down the hallway, some people gave us weird looks like if we were covered in blood and hiking an axe.. Sadly Eddie was used to these kind of looks, but I wasn't. I heard some classmates gossip about it. What is wrong with some people? I'm just walking with him, I'm not having sex with him in front of everybody.

"They look at us like we were walking around butt naked."

I snapped my head towards Eddie, who's looking at me with a playful smile. Did he just read my thoughts?

"Why are you looking so shocked at me?" He said.

"Oh it's just, I I I just thought the same, and then you say it out loud that just surprised me."

He laughed. "Well, then we should give him something to really look at."

My heard was going a 1000 miles per hour when he said that and the fact that he just layed his arm over my shoulder didn't made it any better. The last few steps to our classroom felt like forever. I enjoyed him having his arm around my shoulder. I wish his arm would stay there forever.

We entered our classroom and before we went to our seats mrs Baker called us to her.

"Eddie, Y/n, would you two please come here for a second?"

Black like lavender •Eddie Munson x fem. Reader. Where stories live. Discover now