ch18: lungman and wave

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[1999/9/10|04.00 |lungman administration building| Hawaiian Islands]

Dozens of Iungman police department, moving dead on the floor, the few that still survive, with the help of the royal guard and Caster, hundreds of jellyfish-like creatures attack the city's last defense.

A humanoid dragon head man, He has orange hair color, He wears Emperor's guard Armor, Yen's sophisticated exoskeleton, His eyes saw monsters from the sea, attacking the biggest city in TERRA.

Wei Yenwu saw creatures coming out of the sea, attacking his home and destroying many countries bordering the sea.

Wei Yenwu looked at the sword in his hand he doubted that the creature in front of him had adapted so quickly, every art and weapon attack could heal quickly, the battle had been going on for 6 months and the creature had delivered yen.

Suddenly there was an earthquake, the royal guard shouted at to stay standing close don't let them get into position.

Wei strengthened his hold on his field, he might not be well just yet but his body didn't weaken, he was very busy taking care of this city.

LGD, seeing the wave that had lost count, many of them ran away but were stopped by the royal guards.

LGD strengthens the formation, Caster who might have been infected prepares the art, royal guard is behind with wei.

LGD captain who is at the very back, the Royal guard looks at it, the royal guard draws his sword slightly, The Captain looks ahead.

These countless waves, brought monsters bigger than they had ever faced before, wei was fed up with seeing his city destroyed, he knew that it was impossible to save lungman plus the devil from the east, currently slaughtering the people of Ursus.

Wei opens the locket, his nephew's birth photo, cehn wherever you are, stay strong and let this old man die because of his sin.

seaborn crashed into LGD's defensive shield, nearly knocking the guard down, wei heard many sounds of the death screams of the citizens from seaborn, the guard also heard that, wei Walked forward, took a stance, hand in sword scabbard.

Imperial guard: mister wei!, Have you lost your mind!?" Walked to touch wei's shoulder.

Wei : where is your common sense you know you many lives they have taken" and looked at the royal guards.

Guard: but you are the only General who can still function here" said Wei angrily

Wei : I'd rather make the final sacrifice, than die like this being eaten by that sea creature" returned to his position.

Royal guard : you can't-" is cut off when a huge laser blows a hole in the wall of the building.

Wei saw a giant four-legged seaborn, they could be said to be more like frogs.

Wei jumped with speed, he drew his sword from the scabbard, He cut whatever was under it, his main goal was to attack the giant toad, next to him was a bird's wing monster on its head.

Wei cut the frog in half, twisted its body using the propulsion system in its shoe, the jellyfish humanoid body was like a woman's body, wei didn't care about that and pointed his sword at the seaborn.

Wei flew past the birth, wei felt a taste of iron in his mouth, his right hand dropped the sword, the wall beside him shattered.

Wei took his sword with his left hand, his right hand couldn't be moved, Wei saw Seaborn who made a laughing sound like he was insulting him.

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