32. Hosu City

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[A/N: Sooooo I'm posting a smidge later than I said I would. Sorry about that. I really appreciate all of your patience and all of the well wishes I received.  I am truly thankful for all of you. I'm doing a lot better and trying to handle everything, it's complicated, but I don't want to make you guys wait forever. I know today isn't Friday, but hopefully after today we can get things back on schedule. I'll be totally honest with you, my heart wasn't in it when I edited this chapter so there may be mistakes. Please be nice, I promise to fix them later! Anyway, let's finally get internships wrapped up.]

"Recovery Girl! Thank you so much for coming." A man in a doctor's coat greeted Recovery Girl as we stepped through the doors of Hosu General Hospital. He seemed genuinely happy to see her, but also had obvious signs of stress written all over his face.

Who could blame him? Outside of the pristine white walls of this building was absolute chaos. Half the city was on fire, and now that we had made it to our destination we saw things were just as bad here. Nurses were rushing back and forth, phones were constantly ringing in the reception area, and the waiting room was bursting at the seams with people.

"Mr. Abiko, it's nice to see you again. Though I wish it were under better circumstances... Eiko, this is Sano Abiko. He is the chief physician of this hospital. Mr. Abiko this is Eiko Yagi, my intern." Recovery Girl explained.

I gave him a small nod but I couldn't help but let out a sigh, was this really the time to be exchanging formalities?

As if he had read my mind he quickly changed the subject, "It's a pleasure to meet you, but Recovery Girl if you could hurry. There are several patients I have in mind for you to look at so we can start moving these people into beds." He looked back to me, "Yagi was it? I'd like you to head to the nurses station and see if there is anything you can help with."

I decided to ignore him calling me Yagi for the time being. Right now seemed hardly the time to split hairs over that. I turned to head off to the nurses station as I'd been told, but Recovery Girl raised her hand to stop me.

"Actually, I'd like her to be sent to deal with your most severe cases if you would. Starting with those that have a negative prognosis."

Mr. Abiko looked shocked, "Recovery Girl, no offense but, I was already a little surprised you brought an intern here during an emergency. A child nonetheless. Our emergency team doesn't have the time to deal with her at the moment. Be reasonable."

She tapped her finger on her lips as if she were thinking hard about something. "Mr. Abiko, we have known each other for quite some time, yes? I think this is the first time you have doubted my judgment." She started to walk away and head towards the back. No doubt to get to work on some patients, "Give the girl a chance. She may surprise you."

He rubbed his forehead and sighed before shooting me a look, "All right let's get this over with. You better not be squeamish, if you pass out in front of a patient you'll be assigned to cleaning bed pans the rest of the night. Got it?"

I rolled my eyes, "Question. Do you think being a judgmental prick makes you better at your job or..."

He scoffed at me but said nothing as he swiped his keycard and we entered the emergency wing of the hospital. Regardless of how he felt, he did as he was asked and the very first patient we went to was obviously on his death bed.

I wasn't sure what exactly happened but I guessed he had been in a building that collapsed. His right leg was severed from his knee down, and he had several bloody bandages wrapped around his head, not to mention a piece of wood sticking out of his abdomen.

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