07. whats dead should stay dead

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They thought the quarry was safe. Safe from walkers. A safe place to camp out during this whole end of the world thing. But no, it was far from safe. Walkers got in, killed their friends, killed their family. That night, not only did they lose those closest to them. They lost themselves.

They all lost a part of themselves tonight. They learnt that anyone could die in this world. And sometimes, there's no saving them. Katherine was lucky that night, if she didn't have that knife, then she would've been another body added to the list. Harlow would be left alone in this world. And that is the very last thing Katherine will do. Leave her sister alone.

And Amy... Amy was really dead. There was no saving her. Bitten on the arm and neck. Andrea remained over her sister's corpse, not ready to let go yet. She had stayed there all night, and was still there the following morning.

Not that anyone slept that night, everyone was worked up over the walker attack. Her and Harlow sat on a chair each, Katherine was looking over at Andrea, feeling terrible for the girl, Lori tried getting Andrea to give Amy up, but got no response and came back.

Harlow had dried tears on her cheeks, last night was really a slap in the face for her. She, like many others of the camp, thought the quarry was as safe as can be, and last night, she came face to face with death, Harlow James learnt the world isn't as it seems. The new world is cruel, and everyone around you will eventually die.

Glenn asked Katherine if she was alright, and she'd always tell him with a smile that she was okay. She had to be. Even if she wasn't okay, she had to pretend to be okay. She had to fake it until she made it. She had to pretend to be okay, so Harlow felt okay. In her eyes, her sister came first.

Amy was dead.

Ed was dead.

Not that she cared about Ed Peletier at all, she felt bad for Carol and Sophia, watching them cry and grieve the loss of their loved one. Though Katherine, and everyone else is grateful Ed Peletier is gone, no one dares to say it outloud.

Katherine didn't pay much attention to the shouts and arguing in front of her, her eyes still stayed on Andrea and the corpse of Amy.

Amy... her dear friend Amy. She didn't deserve to die. She had a life ahead of her.

And Andrea, she didn't deserve to lose her sister. Katherine looks at them, and pictures it being her and Harlow, tears weld her eyes, she wipes them away, not wanting another person to ask if she's okay.

She finally looks away from them when panic arises in the camp. Her eyes go from Andrea and Amy to everyone else who is now crowding Jim. She gets off her chair, Harlow in tow, then joins the crowd. T-Dog grabs Jim's arms so he can't attack anyone, while Daryl grabs his shirt and lifts it up to reveal a bite.

Jim was bit. "I'm okay. I'm okay" the man mutters, looking around at his people, everyone circling him like he's a rabid animal. He kept repeating the same words.

Katherine does the same. But even she knows she can't fake that. Jim clearly isn't okay and is a ticking time bomb.

The group huddled up, away from Jim, to discuss what to do with him, Daryl reckons they put a pickaxe to his head, as well as Amy's others think they don't do anything to Jim, since he hasn't turned yet, but they're agreeing with the Amy one. She's a ticking time bomb, she could turn at any moment.

Rick's suggesting the CDC about a cure for Jim, Katherine's inclined about there being a cure, but she doesn't feel safe at the camp anymore, so she'll happily go there if it meant leaving the place they once thought was safe.

Whatever happens, Katherine will follow Rick Grimes.


A bit of a shorter chapter (If I'm being honest, I'm trying to lengthen the amount of chapters in act one so it seems longer than it actually is)

Also sorry if chapters are short and long apart with publishing. I want a schedule with posting, but I don't want to make promises.

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