Chapter Three

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Penelope clicked the button on her keys and heard the familiar beep from her car indicating that it was unlocked.

She couldn't help but smile when she slid into the vehicle; it was a silver 2010 Toyota corolla—a graduation gift from her mother. The car was her baby. She loved it dearly and took the absolute best care of it in every way possible.

After tossing her bag in the passenger seat, she started the car and selected her car playlist before driving off.

It didn't take her long to reach her destination. The Starbucks was a 20-minute drive from Phoenix's apartment building and a 10-minute drive to the University.

Thankfully it wasn't too hard to find parking, and she pulled into an empty spot before sending a quick text to Olivia to let her know that she was here.

After hopping out her car and entering the store, she ordered her coffee and bagel before sitting at one of the tables as she waited for her friend to show up.

"Hey babe." A familiar voice greeted her a moment later.

Olivia plopped down in the seat opposite to her, a waft of sweet fragrance accompanying her presence.

Penelope's eyes brightened upon seeing her friend, and she put her phone away, happy that she no longer had to aimlessly scroll through twitter so that she didn't look like a loner.

"Hey! I already ordered; you should get in line before it starts to get busy."

Her friend waved her off, placing her tie-dye Starbucks tumbler on the table between them.

"I already ate at home. Plus, I'm on a caffeine cleanse right now, did you know its crazy bad for your heart?"

Penelope furrowed her neatly shaped brows, confused on why Olivia suggested they meet here if she wasn't going to get anything, especially when she could've stayed cuddled up with her boyfriend.

"Then why'd you want to come to Starbucks?" She questioned with a laugh.

Olivia shrugged and leaned back in the chair.

"The smell of coffee wakes me up."

The fawn haired girl was going to comment further but her name was called by a barista who held her food and drink in hand.

She slid out of her seat to grab the items and plopped herself back down to eat her breakfast.

"So, you know that frat party on Friday, right? Apparently, some sorority girls are going to be there too, we need to make a good impression before rush week."

Penelope appeared reluctant as she swallowed a bite of her bagel. From what she's heard, she wasn't sure if sorority life was for her. But she didn't have the heart to tell Olivia, not when she was nearly bouncing in her seat with elation just from the mere thought of it.

"Sounds exciting." She replied with a half-hearted smile. But her friend was too caught up in her own fantasies to catch the apprehensive waver in her voice.

"Did you tell Phoenix, or do you have to sneak out?"

Penelope paused at the question, not appreciating the shade that was twisted in her tone. While the two girls were on good terms, the blonde oftentimes found a way to slip in her dislike towards the Norwegian. As his girlfriend, the girl didn't appreciate the subtle slights and she gave Olivia a disapproving glance.

"Liv, come on. I told him and he's coming. And when you see him, you better be nice."

The blonde rolled her eyes and took a sip from her tumbler.

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