Professionals | Mystery, Connor x Y/N

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Song: Criminal - Britney Spears


Lieutenant Y/N L/N, a decorated officer, always has been. Now back on homicide investigations, after her big break with finding Jericho during the android revolution. Although the androids still got their freedom and civil rights, it was a big accomplishment. You've never been thought of higher at the station.

Especially by your partner. Adoration meets adoration, but neither of you know the other feels the same. Unfortunately, you expect this is how it's going to stay.

Until you got the most intriguing case of all.

Your friends ex-husband Todd. You knew he was a shit husband and a shit father, but you loved android Alice the same as the real Alice, because she was a sweet girl. So unfortunately, you had to visit him too. But then, he was killed.

The day after you and Connor made out on your couch.




"A homicide with no body? You know the saying, Chris. No body, no crime. What do they even have us here for?" I said as we walked into Alice's room, the scene of the supposed crime. The owner of the house and suspected victim is Todd Williams, age 43, 6 feet tall. How does a 6 foot tall man vanish? We have no idea either.

I'm more worried about Alice and Kara though. They're both nowhere to be seen. I haven't checked up on them both since before the revolution, because of the workload, and now... this happens.

"Lieutenant, great to see you," Chris says as he takes a glance at Connor standing next to me and gives him a solitary nod. "Residue from the victim is all over the house, of course, but it shows up a suspicious amount right where a big pool of blood is. The scene clearly signifies a homicide, just without a body. There are hair follicles, blood in places it shouldn't be if it were a self-inflicted injury, and a bullet hole through the floor. We haven't retrieved the bullet, though, so identifying and finding the murder weapon seems unlikely."

"Thanks, Chris, me and robocop will take it from here." He leaves to investigate the rest of the scene as Connor is kneeling on the floor taking samples of the victim's blood and DNA.

"If anyone died, it was definitely Todd," Connor said. "Chris is spot on, this is just a murder scene without a body."

"But think about it ethically, Connor. There's no body. How much can we really do?"

"Depends on your morals about your job, Lieutenant. But I'm sure I already know where those stand," he remarked as he turned to look up at me.

"I'm sure you do," I kneeled down next to him and whispered in his ear, "Tell a soul, and I might do to you more than kiss you next time. Got it, Android?"

He looked flustered and bit his lip, then went back to what he was doing. I started investigating the rest of the room. I'm worried about Alice. I can't imagine what's happening right now to them both. And technically, I guess Kara and Alice are both suspects now.

The only fingerprints we found in the entire room were Todd's, and a completely different half print we couldn't make out fully. His ex, maybe? Although I'm sure Kara cleaned the whole spot top-to-bottom. Even if the fingerprint was a clue, the only print there was was the half-print on the doorknob. Whoever did this certainly knows how to clean up a crime scene.

"Y/N," Connor says, "I found something,"

I turn around, and he's handing me a belt.

"It was stashed under the little girl's bed. Records say that the victim bought it," he said.

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