Ghost Broccoli Strikes Again

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Midoriya knew it was a familiar situation. Not that he was pleased about it, but he knew it. Unfortunately. Midoriya was known, especially by his former classmates, to be reckless. Okay, maybe he jumped under a few falling buildings, but only once had it ended horribly for him. Well... it had been only once. Until Midoriya "Deku" Izuku, the number one hero, successor of the great hero All Might, found himself fading in and out of reality on a stretcher, being taken to an ambulance.

Sirens slowly faded as he fell into a deep state of unconsciousness. Calling it sleep was inaccurate; in fact, he'd felt the least rested he ever had been in his life - and that remained even through his pro-hero career - after his first coma. He supposed he would have to start calling it that, what with the second one he found himself in... wait, those were thoughts. Midoriya found himself thinking on the hospital bed, still with no consciousness. He tried to do anything; move his fingers, feet, mouth... nothing. Finally, he tried to activate his Quirk.

A familiar coldness spread through his body, one he hadn't felt in years. With his new ghostly form, he started to gather his surroundings. Huh... it was the same hospital room he had been in all those years ago. He looked to the window, which had nothing but soft, pearly light flooding through it. It was night time in Musutafu, Japan, and Midoriya Izuku found himself floating over his own unconscious body.

"Yes! I can float thought walls again!" Midoriya exclaimed after orienting himself to the best of his ability.

"You're still the same," a familiar voice said. Midoriya turned around to see Shimura Nana, the woman who had helped him when he was in the same situation the first time, floating above the nightstand beside his bed. She was smiling, and Midoriya smiled too.

"Am I really?"

"Well, you've changed a lot - and gained much more confidence - but you're still you. I think the main determining factor is... Well, are you going to tell anybody about this this time?"

Midoriya didn't know. He supposed he should. He knew how to control One for All - at least he hoped, as the number one pro hero - so he would easily be able to communicate. Maybe even still do hero work. But should he?

Midoriya didn't decide, but he supposed going home to his cat would do no harm.

"Sillo!" Midoriya said happily, revealing himself to his cat, Silhouette. She was a black cat with small, white mittens on her two front paws, and one it blue eye and one bright green eye. Midoriya crouched down to pet the feline, said cat rubbing the side of her face over the man's hand. Midoriya finally looked up...

Familiar, large combat boots... baggy black, gray, and orange pants... Midoriya looked at the intimidating man's face. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looked down to the ghostly man.

"H-hi, Kacchan!" Midoriya said nervously. He swallowed, stabbing up. He was due the man would kill him if he was tangible. Fortunately, he was not.


"So... um... what are you doing here, Kacchan?"

"And when were you planning on telling... anybody?"

"I told Silhouette!"

Bakugou said nothing, but have a death glare - more than he had been giving since the ghost showed up - that frightened the man into speaking.

"I was deciding that...! Okay? I would have eventually..." the very quiet probably did not go unheard by Bakugou. Midoriya was very thankful that he was a ghost. Bakugou was not.

Former class 1-a was surprised when Bakugou called them all to Midoriya's house. He was not one to initiate social gatherings, and usually had to be forced to come to any of the class's meet-ups. Plus, why was he calling them to Midoriya's house, who was in a coma? Still, each of them were, by some miracle, able to attend.

Once they were all finally there, Iida began to scold Bakugou, who brushed it off.

"Bakugou, it is extremely disrespectful to invite us to Midoriya's apartment on your term, especially since our friend is in a coma!"

"Shut up, four-eyes. I'm not explaining shit, so all you get is this."

As if on cue - well, as if he had missed his cue and made Bakugou look like an idiot for 30 seconds - a familiar green ghost appeared.

"So... hi?"

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