Hey, Sensei...

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Nobody spoke for a moment, before Kaminari brought out his phone and began filming. Ashido chimed "Oh my God, is that a ghost!" While standing up, putting her hands on her face. Everyone started laughing - sans Bakugou and Midoriya. The ladder looked rather awkward, but relieved. For what, none of them could really know.

     "This idiot wasn't going to tell you, so I took it upon myself to force him," Bakugou grumpily explained, mostly to Iida.

     "What? You weren't going to tell us!?" Exclaimed Ashido.

     "I was planning on it! I... just was thinking about when..." Midoriya started flickering.

     "You okay, man?" Asked Kirishima.

     "Yeah, it's just been a while since I've been a ghost. I have much more control over my Quirk now, but it's a little difficult to stay visible and audible."

     "Oh, then you should go rest, Deku!" Uraraka said. "Don't overexert yourself while in a coma! ...Never thought I'd be saying that."

     Bakugou chimed in, much quieter then he normally would have been. "You know how well that ended for you last time."

     "You're right... I'll go, then. Uh... make yourself at home, I guess. Try to remember to lock the door, though, please." He rubbed the back of his neck while speaking, then faded out of sight.

     A few hours later (from what Midoriya could tell), Midoriya wanted out of his hospital room. He had been thinking, with the help of Shimura. Would he tell some officials about his situation? It might be best. He could go to Tsukauchi, and maybe he could even do a little hero work. So, after a little mutual pondering, Midoriya set off to float to Musutafu Police Station - more specifically, Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa's office.

     "Uh, hi." Started Midoriya. He didn't have much of a better way of doing things. So, he decided to have a little fun with the man. Appearing out of nowhere and speaking while the man was not paying attention to his surroundings and instead doing paperwork may have been a little cruel, but Midoriya was aloud to have fun! Except, the man wasn't doing paperwork.

     Tsukauchi jumped at the sudden voice. He hadn't heard anyone enter his office. By the look of it, Eraserhead hadn't either. But something about the voice... The two men turned to where the voice had sounded, eyes widening in confusion.

     "Deku!?" Tsukauchi exclaimed.

     The man in question did nothing but smile sheepishly. He didn't expect, however - though he probably should have - Aizawa's capture weapon to wrap around him. Midoriya wasn't even aware he had been tangible! Maybe that was why he was so tired after revealing his situation to his former classmates. Maybe he was perfectly fine being visible, but it was a completely different story being tangible!

     "Uh.. I think it's definitely Deku, then..." Aizawa had a silent look of partial agreement. He was always a skeptic, and he was never one to take chances.

     "Who are you," Aizawa said firmly.

     "Midoriya Izuku... Hi, Aizawa-Sensei..."

     "Not a lie," Tsukauchi offered. Aizawa finally released his former student from his capture weapon.

     "Care to explain yourself?" Aizawa said, still firm with his voice.

    "Uhh... so you know how I'm in a coma? My Quirk lets me sort of... separate my physical and... I don't even know what - soul? Consciousness? It lets me separate my physical and non-physical body if I'm in a coma."

     "Mhm." Aizawa glanced over to Tsukauchi, who confined the explanation. "And this has happened before?"

     "Uh, yeah. In the first year of U.A."

     "Ah, I vaguely recall that happening." Aizawa paused for a moment. "Problem child." Midoriya and Tsukauchi couldn't help but agree.

     "So, now what?" Tsukauchi asked.

     "I don't really know. I've already told the rest of former 1-a, but I figured I should tell an official. I guess we just wait for me to wake up. Maybe I can do some hero work."

     "Is that really a good idea?" Aizawa asked. "Didn't you get seizures when exerting yourself?"

     "Woah, if that's going to happen, then no, Deku. I'm sure all your friends and colleagues would agree. And your mother."

Midoriya thought about it. He could t worry his mother like that. He had seen what had happened the first time. He couldn't do it to her. Come to think of it, he never really told his mother what he had experienced during his coma. "I guess..." Midoriya succumbed. "I should probably tell her about the... situation, too."

"You mean you haven't yet?" Aizawa asked.

"Uhh... no?" Wrong answer...

"Problem child."

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