Hi, Mom. Oh, Hello!

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    How do I do this without freaking her out? Was the most important worry in Midoriya's mind. After some peer pressure (and a death glare or two) from Aizawa and Tsukauchi, Midoriya was forced to go to his house and tell his mother what was happening. He agreed it would be for the better: his mother was a woman who worried often. Knowing her son was probably okay would comfort her.

     Aizawa and Tsukauchi accompanied Midoriya to his mothers house. Mostly because they were pretty sure if they didn't force him to do it that he would put it off more and more, until he was no longer in a coma.

     But it's not exactly normal for someone who was supposedly in a coma to just appear in front of you. But midoriya had no time to think as Aizawa's knuckles hit a wooden door.

     Midoriya-San had never moved houses, even after Midoriya-Kun moved out. She stayed right where she was comfortably. She wasn't too far from retirement, but still needed to work. Surprisingly, she was home. Midoriya knew his mother had picked up a more sporadic schedule after her son became independent. She had no one else to come home to, so it made sense.

     She blinked for a moment. "Hello?"

     "Hello, Midoriya-San. I'm Eraserhead, you may know me as Aizawa. I was your son's homeroom teacher throughout UA. This is Detective Tsukauchi."

     "Hello, hello! Yes, you seem familiar now, Aizawa-San. Come in, sit down. May I know why you're here?"

     "Well, Ma'am, it's concerning your son," Tsukauchi finally spoke.

     "Oh dear, is he okay? Why didn't the hospital call me?"

     "Well, no. He's okay. It's a little complicated to explain, so..." Tsukauchi reassured, to little avail. Midoriya took that as his cue.

     "Uhh... Hi, Mom!"

     "Izuku?" The woman cried, though not moving toward him. She wiped her eyes after a moment. "But how?"

     "My Quirk. It happened the first time, too. I just never told anyone."

     "Izuku, my baby! You should have told me!" Finally, Midoriya-San walked forward to hug him. Her hands almost went through him, but Midoriya quickly became tangible. He let himself be surrounded in affection by his mother for a few minutes, but secretly hoped for it not to be too long. Aizawa and Tsukauchi stood there, somewhat awkwardly, but they understood the look in Midoriya-Kun's apologetic eyes.

     After a few minutes of Midoriya-san worrying over her son, she finally let go of him. She had a look in her eyes searching for an answer.

"So... hi Mom..."

"How are you here, Izuku?" She cried.

"My Quirk. It happened the first time, too... but I never really told anyone."

"Izuku, you should have!"

"I know, I know..."

Aizawa and Tsukauchi left after a short while. Midoriya-san thanked them with a smile, then went back to her son. They talked for a while, mostly Midoriya-san hugging and crying over her son. The man may or may not have cried a bit, too. After a while, though, Midoriya realized his tiredness. He excused himself, and his mother understood.

     Midoriya didn't remember much once he faded from the seeable world. He just went to blackness. However, he did remember what happened after. He woke to a skinny, skeleton-like man shaking him awake. There were seven others around him. He recognized the man after a moment.

     "A-All Might!?" He exclaimed. He hadn't seen the man since he died. The thought that he would be able to see him in the... darkness other past holders went had crossed his mind, but he had never gotten around to actually attempting it.

     "Hello Young Midoriya!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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