The Orphanage(outdated

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Hello everyone, I'm back with the milk!


Tox went straight home right after being released, he ran in, hoping to see his mother cooking his favorite meal after finding out her baby boy was returning, hoping to see his little sister playing with her toys while waiting for her older brother to return, hoping to see his father reading the daily paper while drinking his coffee. He found none of these things, instead he found a cold and empty house, one that had been drained of all the warmth and comfort he once knew.

Tox: "Mom? Dad? Asriel? I'm home."

No answer.

Tox: "Oh, I get it, you're gonna all jump out and say surprise, right?"

No answer.

Tox: "...If this is a joke, I don't like it."

Again, no answer.

Tox: "..."

A few tears roll down his cheeks and he sniffles. After gaining some composure, he looks around the house, trying to find anything that could tell him where his family was, nothing. He then went around the house looking for anything that could be important, he finds them and takes them.

1. His phone, which seemed to recently break, he takes it so that when he gets a new phone he has the SD card.

2. A notebook and pencil.

3. A picture frame of his family.

4. The gun case which contained his father's two desert eagles, no ammo of course.

He puts each of these items, as well as a book, his wallet, and two non-perishable meals into a back-pack and walks into town to find the nearest pay phone. He locates it, puts in a quarter, and dials his mothers number, hoping for her to pick up, luckily she does.

Caoimhe: "Hello?"

Tox: "Oh thank goodness, you answered."

Caoimhe: "Allen?! Is that you?"

Tox: "Yes, it is"

Caoimhe: "Oh thank the lord, darlin, come quick!"

Allen can barley hear his father say "what is it dear?"

Caoimhe: "It's our baby boy! He's ok! Come talk on the phone with him"

His father takes the phone

Father: "Son? Is that you?"

Tox: "Yeah dad, how's it going?"

Father: "It's going fine, where are you?"

Tox: "I'm back at South Carolina, where are you?"

Father: "we're a-"

The phone cuts off.

Tox: "dang it."

He tries to put another quarter in, but the phone just eats it.

Tox: "well, I'm not gonna risk anymore quarters."

He decided to walk around town for a bit, he comes across the only orphanage in town, it was probably the only orphanage within a 400 mile radius. He walked in, it was nice and comforting, very home like.

???: "Hello child, are you lost?"

He looks to where the voice was coming from, he saw a nun, she was a fairly tall Belgian Malinois, standing at somewhere around 6,2. Tox nods.

Malinois: "Oh, well we can provide a place for you to stay, wait, where are my manners? I'm Mother Merry, what's your name?"

Tox: "Allen Fox, but I'm used to being called Tox."

Mother Merry: "Oh, well come along, let's get you introduced to everyone else."

He follows her into the hallway, there were many rooms including a few classrooms, she takes him to where the rest of the nuns currently were, two nuns were chatting, a Doberman and a Shiba Inu.

Mother Merry: "Sister Maria, Sister Lisa, we have a new arrival."

They both turn to him, the Doberman speaking first.

Sister Maria: "Hello young man, what's your name?"

Tox: "Allen Fox, but I'm used to being called Tox."

Sister Maria: "Thats's a nice name."

Tox: "Thank you."

Sister Lisa: "Let's get you introduced to the rest of the children."

Tox: "Ok."

They go to one of the classrooms where 6-8th grade children were doing a math lesson with a volunteer was teaching them. As Lisa opens the door everyone stops what they were doing and looks at the two.

Sister Lisa: "Children, we have a new arrival, I expect each of you to treat him as you would your friends."

A few respond with "Yes Sister Lisa," others remain quiet.

Sister Lisa: "Good, now, go and find a seat Allen."

Tox: "Yes ma'am."

He goes into the classroom and finds a seat, class resumes.


Chapter done.

Sorry for not updating much, I haven't had many writing ideas as of late.

669 words.

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