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"can you open the door?" Krist asked softly. Kurt was staring at himself in the reflection of the foggy steamed window after his shower.

Dressed in his striped pajama set. His cheeks tear stained. His eyes a bit red and puffy. He couldn't look away from the mirror.

"Kurt, c'mon. Open the door now." Krist worriedly muttered. Kurt sighed as he walked himself to the bathroom door.

He unlocked the door. Krist opened it. Kurt shoved himself passed Krist.
Krist frowned as he watched Kurt walk down the stairs.

"You okay?" Krist asked softly. Kurt didn't reply. He just continued to walk himself down the stairs.

Krist decided he needed to change into pajamas too for the evening. Instead of following Kurt, he went into his own room. Thinking it's best for Kurt to have some space.

The blonde frontman sat at the kitchen table. He wiped his eyes. Looking around, he grabbed his red colored journal.

He flipped it open. Clicking on a pen as he started to doodle and write. Simply journaling to calm himself.

It worked. Krist after awhile came down the stairs. Wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and being shirtless.

Krist entered the kitchen to see Kurt sketching out a comic strip in pen. He ruffled the blonds head.

"How you doing, honey?" The bassist asked as he opened the fridge. He takes out a bottle of water.

Screwing open the lid as he takes a sip. Kurt lifted his head. "Better..sorry for the scare." He replied.

Krist shakes his head as he takes a seat beside Kurt at the kitchen table. "Hey, it's okay man. Don't worry about it."

Kurt smiled once he heard those words. He shuts his journal. Krist handed Kurt the water bottle.

"Here, drink some of this. You gotta get yourself hydrated." Krist worriedly says. Kurt grunted but grabbed the bottle anyway.

"You worry too much."Kurt replied as he opened it. He takes a few sips out of the bottle before setting it down.

The brunet clicked his tongue. "That's because I care about you. By the way.. Dave is coming back tomorrow."

Kurt hummed. "Okay." He muttered as he gets up from where he was sitting. "Let's watch a movie together."

Krist felt his lips curl into a smile. "Upstairs, your room." Kurt continued on.

The taller man felt his heart start to race at that. He nodded. That's when he realized, this is the perfect opportunity to confess.

Keeping that mentally to himself for now's purposes, he got himself of the chair that he sat on.

"Sure Kurt. I have some video tapes upstairs. We can pick one out and watch it." He agreed on.

Kurt nodded as he ran a hand through his hair. He started to walk to the stairs. "Well? C'mon Krist!"

Krist followed alongside. The two bandmates of nirvana walk up the stairs together.

They reached Krist's bedroom. Krist opened the door first and allowed Kurt inside.

Kurt entered the room. He looked around as Krist went to the VCR player and picked out a film the two would enjoy.

Suddenly he heard coughing. The scent of marijuana entered the bassists nostrils as he turned his head. Without looking as he inserted the video tape into the player.

Noticing Kurt was taking a hit of the bong that was previously resting on the bedside table.

Coughing out the smoke, Kurt smiled goofily at Krist. "C'mon! Take a few hits with me!" Kurt beamed as he held the bong up.

Krist smiled gently as he sat on the bed with Kurt. They made eye contact. Looking at each other lovingly.

The film began to play in the background as the two took turns with the bong. They shared it. Feeling the high starting to consume their bodies.

Krist took the last hit. He placed on the bedside table. Kurt currently was laying his head on Krist's bare chest.

"You're stoned."Krist joked as his hand went up to play with Kurt's blond locks.

Kurt laughed as he bit his lip softly. "So are you, giant man." Krist rolled his eyes.

"I know, honey. I know." Krist replied.

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