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It has gotten late. The two have been watching films throughout the night they shared.

Kurt sleepily has his head laying onto Krist's chest. Their highs have gotten down after awhile of paying attention to several films.

"Want to get high again..?" Kurt tiredly asks the question but Krist shakes his head. "No, I just want to hold you." He replied.

Kurt slowly looked up at Krist. Blue eyes clashing into hazel. Krist adored that shade of blue. It's so beautiful. Fits the blonde perfectly.

Krist rubbed the frontman's back as he expressed love with his eyes. "Hey Kurt?.." He hesitantly muttered.

Kurt's dirty blonde eyebrow raised itself as he hummed. "Hmm?" He bit his chapped lips as he smiled timidly.

"Remember last night?" Krist began as he grabs the remote. He shuts the television off. The only light source now was the moonlight.

Kurt sat up. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Somewhat." He replied. Now confused.

Krist sat up as well. "It was about that question. You know? Do you remember?" He asked.

Kurt scratched the back of his head as he moved his jaw around in thought. He moved his hand back down. Looking at Krist with an oblivious look.

"No, not really. Remind me." Kurt clicked his tongue as he tucked up his legs. His back leaning against the bed board.

Krist fidgeted with his hands for a moment before lifting his head. He looked at Kurt.

"About the secret I've been keeping from you.." Krist trailed off. Then, the memories flooded back.

Kurt remembered everything. The rage. The "betrayal". The overanalyzing moment that raced in his mind.

He suddenly got off the bed.

Krist leaned himself forward. His feet touching the floor. Kurt clenched his jaw. "Right." He bitterly replied to the tall bass player.

"C'mon Kurt, will you just listen to me..?" Krist tried but Kurt turned his back.

He walked himself over to the window. He shoved it open. Feeling the cold air flood into the room.

"It's just going to hurt me if you tell me." Kurt muttered numbly. But the man was too naïve. He has no idea about Krist's feelings towards him.

"What? No. No, it won't hurt you." Krist tried to reassure but got startled when the window slammed shut.

Kurt sharply turned his body to face the bassist who was now standing up. He scoffed.

"Everybody in my life eventually hurts me. Take a look at my family for fucks sake!" Kurt suddenly shouted.

Krist went wide eyed. "Kurt! We aren't even talking about that! I promise you it's nothing that's going to hurt you!"

Kurt quickly left the bedroom. Krist followed. He needed to tell him. Now.

"Kurt! Listen to me!" Krist tried as Kurt walked himself to the stairs. "What?!" The frontman screamed out. He turned around to face Krist.

"Just listen! Please!"

"Fuck off!" Kurt shouted in denial as he went down the stairs. Krist decided to let Kurt calm down. He nodded and went back to his bedroom.

Krist held in his tears as he went into his room. He shuts the door. Plopping himself onto his back.

"Fuck..he's so Oblivious!" Krist shouted at his ceiling as he rolled onto his side. Crying softly into his pillow.

His heart wrenchingly aching. Krist continued to cry for a little while before he calmed himself.

"I'm not gonna give up. He has to know." Krist muttered to himself as he wiped his eyes.

He got up from his bed and left the bedroom after an hour or so.

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