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After the hell of a party, (well it wasn't much of a party without the birthday boy) Naruto and Kiba stayed in the hall cleaning up, and Kiba said something Naruto wasn't expecting. (Well doesn't he always-?)

"Naruto, could I please ask a question?" Kiba asks Naruto.

"Well you just did, but yeah sure, another one," Naruto sassily replies.

"Well... do you like Sasuke?" Kiba looked down for a moment before once again, going up, realising Naruto's silence.

"What!? NO!? Where did you get that from all of a sudden!?" Naruto exclaims. Damn he was confused.

"Oh right, well can I ask you another question please?"

"Do you, maybe have a crush?" Kiba asks another question, which makes Naruto shocked again.

"BELJSSKSL, BISH- WHERE U GETYING THESE QUSTIONS FROm!?" Naruto practically, 'scream whispered'.

"Sorry for the shock, BUT ANSWER THEM MFUDGER-" Kiba replied to Naruto, ehhh- 'bout to strangle him.

Naruto backed away from the angry boy. "Alright, alright, I'll calm down, now, what was the question again?"

"Uhhhhmmm- u have a uhhhhh- crushhhhhh-?" Kiba repeats his words, like a parrot.


Kiba sighed.


wISh SuSKe UTiha


Sasuke was now out of the bath, all clean. Yeah, there was no black and white icing on him anymore. He was glad- cuz the cake was too sweet. WAYY too sweet. Though, to him donuts are worse. (Is it just me or does anyone else just not like donuts or cupcakes? I feel left out for being the only one actually hating doughnuts 😭😭)

Sasuke put on some pants and a normal (obviously black) t-shirt and lay down on his huge bed. He thought about his life without Sakura. Aaaaannnddd, hard to admit, it was kind of normal? When Sakura was alive, she barely payed any attention to Sasuke anyway, normally on her phone. The only time she did, was when Sasuke got something for her.

And, no one even remembers her to be honest, after her death, everyone just went back to their own world, just how it was when Sakura was alive.

So, maybe Sasuke should move on. Right?


"So, no crush?" Asked Kiba.

"Yes, Kiba. Like I said for like the hundredth time," Naruto huffs.

Kiba let out a quick sigh. Phew Kiba thought.

"Anyway, moving on. Uhh Neji and Hinata are throwing a party this Saturday, you up for it? And we are basically forcing Sasuke to come by the way," Kiba states. "Anddd, I'll probably force you too, if you choose not to come. So you really have no choice,"

"Welp, you know the answer," Naruto says.


Naruto lay down on his bed, gracefully pointing his finger to the words on the book he's reading for the 20th time. Words couldn't describe how bored he was. He'd babysit a kid, for god's sake. He just needed to do SOMETHING. And the book he was reading wasn't even interesting! Like bro, who would want to read a book about butterflies and flowers? (No offence to ppl who actually likes reading them books) Well not Naruto at least.

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