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After a fitful night’s sleep, Aura woke drowsily to the loud chatter of birds in the trees. Splashing her face with cold water from the stream, Aura got up and ate one of the apples she’d packed. She savored the sweet juices of it, all of it flowing beautifully onto her tongue. Just as Aura finished off the apple, she heard a sharp crack of a twig snapping off to her left through the undergrowth. Moving as if she were a shadow, Aura crept around a bramble thicket and came to rest at the base of a large oak tree. Reaching her head up to peer through a crevice in the tree, Aura scanned the nearby vegetation for signs of movement. Another crack shattered the silence. The ivy leaves that snaked up a nearby ash tree quivered as a light breeze blew toward Aura’s hiding place. Good, she thought. At least I’m downwind from whatever’s over there. Suddenly the gorse bushes across the clearing from her began to rustle. Aura watched in horror as a large German shepherd appeared sniffing around. Off in the distance Aura could hear a loud whistle, and a voice yelling for the animal.

Just when she'd thought she was safe and the dog would leave, Aura shifted her weight as she crouched behind the tree. Her feet began to slip from underneath her, and she toppled over backwards and into the brush. The dog was alerted of her presence by the commotion in the bushes, and he bounded over to her hiding place. Aura stood up quickly and prepared to flee if the dog tried to attack her. The brambles shuddered as the dog forced his way through, and came running at Aura full speed yipping happily. “Shoo! Go get out of here," Aura chastised the animal as it intently sniffed her feet. The yelling was getting louder now; the calls sounded closer. Straining to hear over the dogs panting breaths, Aura tried to make out a name.

"Emmerson! Where are you?" The voice sounded like a man. Aura, who had since pressed her body deeply into the cover of a nearby lilac bush, forced herself to concentrate deeply on the voice, and soon she picked up his more annoyed thought stream. Stupid dog, he's always running away, the man thought. I don't know why my mother even gave him to me. She knows I'm allergic! I swear, I think I'll really kill him this time. I don't have time to be wasting looking for him when he runs off. The shepherd was standing outside the bush whimpering, not wanting to push his way into the branches. Aura focused on the dog, and pictured him hiding inside the bush alongside her. Soon enough, the dog reacted and forced his way in. Well that's different, Aura thought. I…wasn't sure my powers worked on animals. Footsteps sounded behind the bush as the man finally reached their hiding place.

"Emmerson! Come out you dumb dog!" Quietly the dog started to whimper, and Aura rubbed his back to quiet him. Honing in on the man's thoughts once more, Aura began to sense that he was giving up. I never even wanted that dog, he thought. I still don't. Whatever, I don't need this. I'm leaving. The man stomped off back the way he'd come. Slowly, Aura emerged from the bush with the dog, Emmerson, following closely behind. Aura looked at him. Emmerson's dark brown eyes seemed knowing and intelligent; like he had a secret to tell. His coarse golden and black hair shone in the early morning sunlight. His tail wagged so hard that his entire body shook.

"It looks like you'll be travelling with me from now on," Aura commented to Emmerson, who just stared blankly at her in return. "Well I have to get moving, so if you're coming, come on." Quickly, Aura walked back around the bramble thicket, and toward the stream with the dog following her close behind. Crouching down, she cupped her hands and took a drink from the stream before picking up her backpack and setting off again with Emmerson at her side.

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