Feelings Don't Matter.. Right?

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♤●Wedesday's POV●♤
This forced vacation has been a nightmare.. not the good kind, more like like my phsychic visions. Mother is focused on what happened at Nevermore, Pugsley is happy I'm home for a while, Father is congratulating me for saving the school and shit, and Thing is going off about the things I didn't speak of... as you can see, chaos. But, that has finally ended cause' I'm going back to Nevermore tomorrow, I've packed my bags and I'm ready to leave this hellhole of a home. As much as I would want to say I don't want to go back there, I'll admit that I missed that penitentiary others called a school.

"Wednesday, darling, the car is ready!" My Mother calls out to me. As I make my way down the stairs, Pugsley waves to me and looks at me in a sort of 'Bye, sis, I'll miss you' way, he hasn't changed at all. I get into car and I put my satchel bag beside me. Ding! A noise, sounding like a small bell, came from my bag. Thing came out of the bag and handed me my phone, the one Xavier gave me last semester before we parted ways
"You didn't think I was gone, did you?" A text from an unknown contact had sent me. How could I forget about yhe stalker? How stupid. Whatever, I'll just set a contact for them


That'll be a temporary contact for until I find out who they are. Custos is latin for Watcher

A/N: I used google translate for that and idk if it actually means Watcher-

Ding! Another notification, this time it's from Xavier.. I don't really have to set a contact for him since he already put one in. We'd spoken over text (and occasionally calls) over the break, but this text was... different, to say the least
Xavier: Hey, Wednesday, are you on your way to Nevermore yet?

You (Wednesday): Yeah, I left my house 2 hours ago

Xavier: Alright, see you at Nevermore

You (Wednesday): Mhm, I'll just put my phone on vibrate for a bit..

Xavier: ... Wait, I gotta tell you something

You (Wednesday): What is it

Xavier: I..

You (Wednesday): .. Well spit it out

Xavier: I like you Wednesday

You (Wednesday): You made that very clear last semester

Xavier: No, I meant more than a friend

... what is he implying..?

You (Wednesday): What are you implying...?

Xavier: Heh, Enid did tell me you're kinda blind to other's emotions

You (Wednesday): Well, tell me what you wanted to say

Xavier: I'm saying I love you, Wednesday

You (Wednesday): I...
You (Wednesday: Wait, I heard something on the car roof.. I'll text back in a few minutes..

Xavier: Oh, alright, stay safe

What I didn't know is that I accidentally recorded a voice message.
"Hello? Is anyone up there?" I call out window, no reply "Dammit, whoever's up there, come down here or you'll lose a limb or two" I call out.
"Hah, good to see you haven't changed" a familiar voice says to me
"Hold on.. Parker?! Wha- How the hell did you get on the fucking car roof?!"

A/N: This Parker is from the animated movie, she is honestly one of the only good characters there- she's also my second favourite

"Overheard your mom talking about Nevermore, thought I'd drop in" My old childhood friend says to me "Plus, my mom is enrolling me there too"
"Why? Aren't you human?" I ask
"Half, actually" she says as she manages to get into the car window, what the fuck-
"My mom's human, my dad, who is very much dead, was a werewolf" Parker said, that explains her personality-
"Oh, hey, you finally got a phone- pfft- you were recording a voice message"
Parker said as she stopped the recording. It automatically sends, showing the texts me and Xavier were exchanging
"Hm? Woah.. WAIT-" Parker gasps as she reads through the texts
"Hey, give me that-" I say as she scrolls up
"OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE AN ADMIRER" She squeals and I hide my face in my hands
"We're here.." Lurch tells us
"Alright, lets go, you Crackhead" I say to Parker
"Kk, fine" Parker says.

As we step out the car, I immediently get swarmed by other students, who are thanking me a lot for saving their school and their asses
"Who this girl?" A Fur asks me
"That is my childhood friend, Parker" I say
"She has werewolf fur on her shirt. Is she werewolf??" The Fur asks me
"Yeah, I am" Parker answers the Fur
"Omg, new student!" The Fur exclaims, getting other students' attention, including Enid
"OMG, a new student?! Yes!" My roommate exclaims, then she noticed me
"Wednesday!!" Enid runs over to me and gives me a bear-hug
"Oh, you must be the new student! I'm E-"
"-nid Sinclair, I follow you on Tiktok and insta" Parker says "Are you a friend of Wednesday?"
"Actually I'm her bestie and roommate" Enid answers her. Then they both look at eachother, then at me with a mischevious smile
".. oh, no, hell no" I say
"GIRL GROUP" the two werewolves exclaim, while I have my palm on my face.
"Oh, hey Wednesday!" A voice calls out to me. I turn to see Xavier and I immediently get flashbacks to the texts and my heart picks up its pace, I get moths in my stomach, and I can feel my face heat up, what is wrong with me? I'm not usually like this around him
"Lets go, I'll explain" Parker mutters to Enid as she pulls her to the quad
"So, did you think about the texts?" Xavier asks me
"I- uhm- *ahem*" I stutter, what is wrong with me today? The other students who were standing there sense it's time to leave and they walk away, talking about my behavior.

A/N: 999 words, y'all, hope you enjoyed my cringe chapter one

Never Thought it'd be You.. ♡ (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now