Circus Days

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♧◇Y/N's POV◇♧
We all sat at the side of Wednesday's hospital bed, her hand being held in Xavier's
"She'll be okay... right..?" Enid asks us, hope very clearly faded
"Yeah, she's Wesnesday. Concidering she was born in that shitty circus, she won't let this affect her... I hope.." I say, trying to get their morale higher
"Wait, what do you mean circus?" Xavier asks me. Did she not tell them?
"She never told you? She and her brother were circus preformers before Morticia and Gomez adopted em'. How do I only know this? I thought she took pride in being a former circus preformer" I say, clearly confused and everyone shot a puzzled-wide eyed expression
"They were WHAT!?" Enid shouts "Dear Y/N, I trust you a lot but do you have any proof of that statment..?"
"Yeah, actually, I have an old poster of them I wanted to show her. I'll go get it" I say as I go over to my bag
"Here it is" I say as I show them the battered poster

 I'll go get it" I say as I go over to my bag"Here it is" I say as I show them the battered poster

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A/N: I know they look older but this was made before I had established their ages in the origins. So, this is kinda like a prototype

Their faces drained of colour, as soon as I held the poster of the twins up towards them
"Y/N, how do you know this..?" Xavier asks me
"My parents took me to their old circus every Saturday. And I always spoke to them before their preformances started" I said

Absolute silence...
"Ughh..." Wednesday groaned "What the hell..."
"Wednesday!" Parker exclaimed as Xavier embraced her
"What the hell happened...?" Wednesday asked
"You had us worried sick!" Parker exclaims
"That dosen't answer anything"
"You fell off the Nevermore roof, that's what" I say "How did you fall off the roof anyways?"
"I tripped" Wednesday replies

A/N: 309 Words, sorry this chapter is kinda boring, writer's block- ;-: all I know is I wanna add a party scene with a lot of Wavier in it. Suggestions are open

Never Thought it'd be You.. ♡ (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now