Sindri × Fem Reader oneshot

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I sat across from Sindri, the fire we lit to warm ourselves after the journey to the mine illuminated his eyes making them look like beautiful pools of honey. Not wanting to be caught staring I looked down at the burning logs. They crackled and popped as Sindri moved them with the poker glowing a beautiful shade of reddish orange. My mind started to wander to my affections for the man who sat before me. I loved everything about him and from the moment he and his brother took me in I had been inexplicably drawn to him. His presence always brought me comfort and he always made me smile with his flair for theatrics and caring nature. I would do anything for him.

Suddenly there was a noise near the mine's entrance. We both looked to each other as if to confirm it wasn't our imaginations before quickly putting out the flames and going deeper into earth hoping whatever it was wouldn't follow. Eventually we reached a dead end, unable to retreat any further. Voices came from the direction we came slowly getting closer.

"Sindri get out of here, step between the realms and leave."

"What are you insane? I'm not leaving you behind! They'll probably leave before they find us." We argued in hushed tones as the strangers grew near. They came into view and I instinctively positioned myself between them and Sindri wanting to keep him safe. There were five hulking men in the group all wearing filthy tattered clothes and carrying rusted weapons. I instantly knew they were raiders most likely intending to kill then rob us for all we had. As they drew closer I unsheathed my dagger and I could hear Sindri pull something from his bag.

" We have nothing of value on us! Please just spare us our lives!" In response to my pleas the man who appeared to be their leader tilted his head before responding.

"Oh but you do! We want him." The man pointed at Sindri who shifted uncomfortably.

"Over my dead body will I let you take him"

"What are you saying!"

"I won't let them lay so much as a finger on you!" The men burst out into laughter for a moment before their leader raised his hand. He quickly made a fist and all of them suddenly charged at us. I put up as much of a fight as I could but was quickly knocked unconscious crashing into the stone floor helplessly.

I awoke to cold water being dumped onto me. I was dazed in an unknown location tied to a chair.

"You fought well, they probably would have killed you were you not so capable you know." A skinny man stepped out from the shadows of the cave followed by two men of similar stature to the ones who attacked us.

"Where's Sindri?" I quickly took stock of my surroundings, they had taken all the gear off of me, Sindri was tied up next to me still knocked out and stripped of all his gear and armor too and behind us was a woman with a bucket.

"Don't worry we don't plan on hurting your dwarven friend here. Wake him up." The woman obeyed and drenched Sindri before leaving. He was similarly confused and began to struggle in his bindings.

"Who are you and what do you want from us!"

"Oh nothing much little man, just your skills. We need equipment and you're going to provide it."

"Fuck you he will! Let us go!" I began to fervently struggle in my seat attempting to break free.

"Oh why do you care so much about him anyways? He couldn't possibly mean anything to you could he?" I glared icey daggers at the strange man.

"I love him." Everyone in the room seemed to be shocked by my answer although Sindri was very good at hiding it, his eyes gave him away.

"You, a beautiful young woman, are in love with that?" He pointed at Sindri with a look of disgust.

Sindri × Fem Reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now