Civil Wart

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The gang was walking towards the stage when hop pop sighed, "ah, theater night, the one night a month we come together, watch our stories, and forget all our horrible, horrible troubles."
All the kids sighed and looked to the ground, hop pop then took popcorn out of his pockets using cartoon magic and yelled,
"Now who wants popcorn!"
"Oh, me, me!"
"I do!"

As they entered the seating area sprig spotted the perfect seat, "ooh! Right in the middle. Dibs!"
"That seat is mine!" Polly hopped out of hop pops grasp and jumped towards the seat.
"Not if I get there first!"

Just when polly was about to reach the seat sprig hopped on.
"No fair! You have appendages." Polly pouted.
"Tut-tut. Sprig, give polly the seat." Hop pop said.
"Say what? Come on hop pop, I got here first."
"That's what older brothers do sprig. They look out for their little sisters. Now, move that rump over to that stump." Hop pop pointed to a rotting stump.
Sprig gasped and glared at polly while she winked innocently.

Sprig stomped over to the rotting stump, (which happened to be right next to anne), and as he sat as it sunk to the floor.
"Bummer dude." Anne said.
Sprig sighed, "it's just not fair. Just because she's a little younger, she always gets special treatment."
"I'm an only child so I don't relate, all my parents attention was focused on me. And it was, awesome."
Sprig blew a raspberry with his tongue, "lucky you."

Meanwhile yn was standing awkwardly in the crowd of sitting frogs, all the seats were taken- what was she supposed to do? Anne quickly noticed the tall human,
"Hey yn!!" She yelled, "we can share!" She said pointing to her log.

Yn nodded and gulped nervously, this wasn't a big deal- was it? I mean, she was only sharing a log seat with her crush who knows she likes her- ugh! Why does everything have to be so complicated? Mayor toadstools voice came up from the stage so yn quickly made her way over to anne to take a seat.

Yn quickly sat next to anne and in the middle of Mr. Toadstools speech anne wrapped her arm around her.

Suddenly the crowd started booing- she wasn't really sure why or for what because she couldn't think or pay attention with Anne's arm around her.
"Hold up everyone!" Anne said standing up, "I have something that might work. It's called, a movie. It's like a play- but totally better."
The crowd was murmuring and nodding, going along with whatever anne was saying.

Anne propped her phone up on the stage and had a large glass screen be rolled in.
"Thanks tad, local glass artisan."
"Yep." He said walking off the stage.
"Okay, so tonight I'm going to be showing the timeless classic Love Choice, which has always been one of my favorite because-"
"Just start the movie!" Mrs Croaker yelled from the audience.
Anne laughed, "you got it."

As the movie started hop pop already had a question, "wait, how can they be both grounded and supernatural?"

As the movie ended, it seemed to upset the people,
"What?!? That was the end?"
"Who did she pick? I'm so frustrated right now!"
"Believe me guys, I've been there. They are making a sequel, Love Choice 2, but it's not out yet." Anne explained.
"I'll tell you who she picks!" Polly yelled, "hunter! He's a beefcake."
"What??" Sprig gasped like he was truly offended, "she should pick Alastair. He's a thinker, a dreamer!"

As the townsfolk broke into argument polly hopped onto the stage,
"Listen up! I don't even want to live in a town with someone who like Alastair."
Sprig narrowed his eyes, "we'll I don't want to live in a town with someone who likes Hunter."
"That does it!" Polly backed away towards the screen, "everybody who chooses Hunter, get behind me."
"He looks strong!"
"So attractive!" The Hunter lovers said while getting behind polly.
"Well, anyone who like Alastair can get behind me."
"Alastair's my man!"
"Definitely Alastair."
"Everybody who thinks neither are good and we should just sacrifice the men!!"
When nobody joined yns side she sighed
"Awe, man."

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