Chapter 13

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I slowly open my eyes
I was on a bloody ground

I sat up and realized the blood on the ground was mine
My mouth,Nose and the left side of my hip were bleeding

I looked around and saw a scarf on the ground
I grabbed the scarf from the ground and wrapped it tightly around my hips to stop the bleeding

Y/n:Where am i?

I took of the necklace that i was wearing and placed it in my palm

Y/n:Do like you did in the hospital...please

The necklace started to shine and float
It started flying away and i followed it

I followed it into a long dark hallway until i arrived at a gate
It had a lock on it

The necklace dropped Itself on the ground and i grabbed it from the ground

I put it around my neck again and looked at the locked gate

Y/n:How am i gonna do this...

I grabbed the lock on the gate and tried to rip it apart
I used all my strength to rip the lock apart and succeed

I opened the gate and walked out of that place
I kept running until i saw Tyler

He was holding a knife and his eyes were full with Anger


Tyler:I have execute you!

I made deep eye contact with him and my eyes started to glow

Y/n:No you don' that knife down

He placed the knife down and kept looking at me
I walked passed him and ran outside

I was in the middle of the woods and i looked around
Not knowing where i was

My necklace started to float again and it pulled me towards the right direction

Once i saw light my necklace stopped floating
I walked towards the light and ended up at the academy

I ran into the academy and went to Wednesday's dorm room
Once i walked inside i saw Ajax and Enid make out but that didn't bother

I noticed that Wednesday side was empty


Y/n:Where is Wednesday...

Enid:Your covered in blood!

She stood up from her bed and walked over to me

Y/n:Where is Wednesday!

Enid:Calm down...It's gonna be Okay

My breath started to shake and i could feel tears building up in my eyes

Enid:Get a blanket Ajax

Ajax grabbed a blanket and gave it to Enid
Enid wrapped the blanket around me and looked at me

Y/n:Just tell me where Wednesday is...

Enid:No because you are going to go after her... your in no state to do so

Y/n:I need Wednesday!

Enid:I know...She was expelled!


Ajax:She kept trying to find the killer and ended up getting expelled

Y/n:No...She wouldn't let me behind, something must have happened

Little Murderer in Nevermore AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now