Missing Piece

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Eris stopped in the threshold of Rhysand's study, eyes locked in Gwyn.

- What? How? I... I thought you were dead.

Gwyn stilled, Azriel behind her was prepared to jump in her defense if need be, Nesta and Cassian, by the window, stopped chatting and turned towarsd the redheads with a curious expression.

- Do you know who I am? - asked Gwyn shyly.

- How could I not. You're my little siren, I missed you so much, and your mother and little kitty Cat. I lost track of you when your mother ran away from Autumn, we thought it was the best, to keep you both safe from Beron. Is Catrin here as well? Can you take me to her?

Tears started running along Gwyn cheeks, as her heart broke yet again. She had a father, he wanted to see Cat, and she was going to have to tell him that she was death, because of her. There in front of her stood her only remaining family and if she talked, she was going to lose him too, so she fled.

Gwyn was in the study and in the next second she wasn't. she has winnowed, she did not know she could do that, and she didn't know where she was.

She coulnd't see, all around her was pich black no light coming in, but weirdly she felt safe.

Gwyn curled up on the floor and eventually feel asleep, tired from crying.

Hours later, she was found. A hand was running up her arm trying to slowly wake her up.

- How did you find me?

- We've been looking for you, I came home to eat and my shadows draged me to my room.

- This is your room?

That explained why Gwyn felt safe and at home, she was after all surounded my her mate's sent.

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