Chapter 6: Big workout (2)

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When was the last time he felt that emotion? The fierce feeling threatens all logical thinking. The feeling of anger.

The feeling of rage has rarely been felt by the once hero called Big J. After seeing the worse humanity had to offer, he grew sort of numb to slaughtering criminals. He felt disgusted and annoyed every time he saw scumbags in the midst of a crime.

But never anger. Simply, he was too tired to feel as such. However seeing a man, a man so kind push his broken body to save lives. A man that gave someone such as himself a home and a chance to live a different life.

That kind soul was nearly snuffed out. By some fool that rampages in the streets like he's on top of the world. No, he'll show him his place.

The Big J's red hate-filled eyes pierce through the soul of the Faceless Villain who suddenly took a few steps back. His hands formed a fist and before anyone could react, the villain was sent flying into the air with one punch. The villain soared through the air and was about to use its powerful arms to stop his movement.

However, another strong blow made his face crash into the ground. It felt its body go into overdrive, rapidly healing all the damage from the two strikes. However it could also feel its body break from the constant repairs, it needed to take down the vigilante now.

The Faceless Villain tried to push itself off the crater, only for a strong grip to hold the back of its head. It managed to see the Big J's apathy before the enemy of humanity pushed its face once more to the cold concrete. He held its face to the ground for a couple of seconds before lifting his head once more and then smashing him to the floor.

Big J repeated this process, each time he went harder and harder until eventually, the slamming of the villain's head created shockwaves. All Might and broccoli hair stared in horror at the vigilante's sheer brutality.

All Might: "BJ, no..."

The number one hero grits his teeth. The sharp pain from his wounds was almost unbearable, but he had to do something. All Might nearly stood to full height before coughing blood again and finally, he returned to his true form.

Broccoli hair: "All Might, no!"

Instantly the teen covered All Might's form on his own, trying to shield his form from any cameras or unwanted onlookers. Thankfully the cameraman on the helicopter is too busy with the fight.

Broccoli hair: "You've got to hide or your secret-"

All Might: "He's gonna kill him."

Broccoli hair: "W-what?"

All Might: "If I don't stop the vigilante, he's going to kill the villain!"

Back to the fight, Big J finally stopped his head smashing. By then some of the villain's blood splatters on the crater, but the villain is alive, it tried to push itself multiple times and each time, it failed. While he stopped, the Big J wasn't done.

The vigilante roughly grabbed both heels of the villain and threw it straight into the air, followed by Big J who flew to catch up with the body. While in the air, he pulled his fists up into the air.

 While in the air, he pulled his fists up into the air

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