It was dark and snowy outside, it was the middle of February. The Japan national volleyball team had just walked out of the training grounds. They were going to the bar to celebrate for the last time, before they have to train their asses off for the Olympics in May. Hoshiumi and Hinata were laughing, while having a snowball fight. Bokuto was chatting happily with Komori, Ushijima and Kageyama were being oblivous to where snow is comming from. Everything seemed perfect...
- Hey, why aren't Miya and Sakusa here?- Yaku asked.
- Atsumu-san said that he has to help his brother with the restaurant today. Isn't that right Suna-san?- Hinata said looking at Sunarin, who didn't even bother to look up from his phone.
- Correct, I'm also going to join them later, I think. I want to see Osamu. - he said, while texting his fiance about his arrival.
-Ewwww, get a room. We all know you love Osamu. - Aran said looking with disgust.
- And Sakusa? - Yaku asked once again.
- He isn't the type to hang out with people. He just doesn't like it. - Komori said, without anybother to his cousins action. He was always like that.
- Huhhh???- Suna hummed, which got everyones attentione.
- What is it Sunarin? - Hoshiumi asked.
- Are the Argentines talking shit 'bout us again? - Kageyama asked.
- No, it's not that. I just texted Osamu and he said that he didn't ask Atsumu to help.
- Okay, now that is weird. - Komori said, he knew the setter quite well.
- What if he hides something from us? - Bokuto said in shock almost faiting on the ground, until his little ginger pupil didn't caught him
- No, no way he is like an open book. He can't keep secrets. - Aran said frowning cause he remembered the time that Atsumu told his long time crush about his feelings. But every thing worked out and now that man is his husband of few years.
- But let's just stay: what if...- said Yaku.
- what if he joined a some sort of cult?!!- Bokuto yelled still not over from the first shock.
- No, too unrealistic. - Suna said
- What if he... is secretly a stripper??? - Hinata yelled with a horrified expression.
- No, again too unrealistic. - Aran said
- What if he has a lover? - Ushijima said with the monotone tone.
- WHAT DID WE SAY? REALISTIC! This one is the least realistic out of all of them. GOD DAMN IT!
- No, I mean look - Ushijima said pointing at a figure standing in the dark, kissing someone.
No doubt it was the National team's, fake blond setter. THe whole crowd of grown man standing in shock. Before they could react the other figure put on a motocycle helmet, got on the bike, blew a kiss and rode off.
Atsumu walked away not realizing that his coworkers and fellow athleats were staring at him in a gigant shock.
- WHAT THE HELL! - Bokuto screamed in sinc Hinata and Hoshiumi.
While the the trio was screaming, Ushijima and Kageyama looked confused as ever, Komori was deep in thought about the mysterious driver, Suna and Aran were PISSED. They knew him since high school, they should be the ones to know first. Especially Sune, he was his future brother in law, he NEEDED TO KNOW.
- Okay...what do we do with this information? - Yaku said. He didn't know the blonde that well, but he was still in shock.
- Okay I think we have to know who it is. Any ideas? - Komori said.

The Miya Mystery
FanfictionOne day after the Japan national team ended their training session, they see one of their setters kissing someone in the dark. They never knew that Atsumu Miya had a lover. Some thought that he was aromantic, he never looked at anyone, at least it s...