Summer time sadness

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As the semester drew to a close and summer loomed on the horizon, Tyler found himself dreading the break. It wasn't as though he was going to miss having classes, or homework, or any of that, but for him, summer meant a distinct lack of hanging out with his friends.

During their first week off, all of Tyler's friends were going to be free to hang out, since they were all in town and didn't have anything else they needed to do. But Tyler would be busy nearly the entire week, with a large chunk of his time filled by working in the café, helping the owner prepare for the upcoming summer line.

Normally his work days were more spread out as to not overburden him, but they had all been pushed off to accommodate his final projects and tests and none of them could be delayed any longer thanks to magazine publication deadlines.

So basically, his friends would be in town and free to hang out, but he wasn't.

By the time the week was done and his run of days were over (there would, of course, be more long work hours and filming for ads later on in the summer), his friends would all be taking off or otherwise occupied.

Ajax was visiting family in Morocco for a chunk of the summer and Enid had managed to snag a reporting internship in London for most of their vacation.

Even Wednesday would be busy for the first part of the summer, since her extended family was coming to Jericho for a week and then she would be busy for part of another week with sitting in on negotiations for reviews on her newly completed novel.

She wouldn't be saying much, of course, but she was going to be putting her own thoughts out without hesitation, after all it was Wednesday. Her parents helped send her book out to a relatively open editor, as they thought it would be a good experience for her.

She would probably be pretty busy for another couple weeks after that getting primary designs ready in between her other duties with babysitting and helping out in the bakery.

Even his own school friends had warned him that they might not be able to get away for meet ups as often as they had been during the school year, at least during the first part of the summer.

They had family visiting, they all had explained, and it would be hard for them to slip away unnoticed until they left. Tyler had tried not to let his disappointment show as he nodded in understanding and quickly changed the topic.

Yeah, summer was going to suck.

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