Lonesome Lotus | Al Haitham

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Youtube Playlist: Greatbain

Al Haitham has always been a man with impeccable intelligence. His knowledge seeps into crevices never touched and ideas in that creative mind of his that forever blooms with ardent passion for any wisdom. His brain, forever whirring like clockwork at maniacal and mechanical speeds, could have been unparalleled, unrivalled and reign with a sturdy confidence as "all knowing", if it weren't for the tenacious and ambitious brain of your own. However, people can only bathe you in the limelight of most "intelligent" and "all knowing", because many of the Sumeru Akademiya are very aware that Al Haitham is an absolute lunatic, and fear his every move.

"Lunatic" is an interesting word to use. For you have never met someone so different in your life. A sense of individuality so strong, he is in a different league completely, isolating himself from society and enclosed in a microcosm of books. Al Haitham does whatever he likes to do, sometimes even rebelling against authority and laying low instead of basking in his wisdom. Instead, his ravenous, curious brain scavenges for a morsel of knowledge to feed him. Just a single drop of a hint, and an entire river springs at his feet as he pieces together puzzle pieces and connects dots never connected before. Al Haitham is a fresh perspective, a rebellious yet righteous spirit.

Which is exactly why you're outside his dorm, knocking with slightly more force than intended out of nervousness.

You would never team up with Al Haitham, your academic rival. You two consider each other worthy rivals and have competed in Latin, English, History and even sciences that neither of you take. Teachers either pair you together to gaze in wonder to see how two young, brilliant, minds work together in a state of synchronicity, or they seperate the two of you to prevent any glaring match or 'argument' that may occur. 'Argument' is another strong word. You prefer to call them, 'civilised debates', as you haven't threatened to beat him so badly he shrivels in pain and turns into a little berry you can stomp on. The two of you have your differences, yes, but at a time as imperative as this, the clock in your head is counting down the seconds left until doom and even your eyes pulsate with stress building up.

The brown oak door opens up, the creak of the door paused by a foot belonging to a large figure clad in the Sumeru Akademiya school uniform bar the green tie with Haravatat coloured strips embedded on it. He doesn't completely open the door until he realises it's you, and ushers you in before any matrons see you. Leaning against the doorframe with one foot on the cream walls, ushering you to sit on the chair by his desk, filled with plants and textbooks, he chuckles.

"Are you here to finish the debate on the Latin text again? You do realise Greek mythology isn't always consistent and-" His voice is rich in smug confidence, baritone and boisterously calm, like the still waters of a lotus pond. In his hands is a book in cosmology, one that you had read weeks ago and returned to the library as you found the contents so utterly boring you threw it on the floor. You spot the small indent on the cobalt blue spine. God, what a bore.

"No." You state, refocusing your mind to the matter at hand. His grey hair shifts as he tilts his head to the side, revealing another strand of hair a strange colour nor green, nor blue. It's a warm colour, the type of hue to bathe you in both warmth and wonder due to its vibrance so vivacious it seems artificial, too pretty to be true. However, you suppose that is Al Haitham's entire grandeur altogether. His eyes travel to your shifting hands, a nervous habit you've developed after joining the Akademiya, and he begins twirling the wire of his headphones around his neck.

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