To Nuture Growth | Al Haitham Part 2 (NSFW)

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(A/N: I think I needed to unload after exams, so here you go!)

"Why so tense?" He runs his hands along your thighs and you jolt in his lap. "It's not good for students like us to have bad physique. I'm sure I can find time to massage you." Your hands tremble, nearly scattering flashcards all over the floor.

You're cranky. Irritated. Absolutely ticked off. Al Haitham had promised to give your body attention and even brought you to his house. But currently, you're on his lap, as he lies on the couch, playing with you.

"Al Haitham, I'm trying to concentrate." You hiss at him, pissed. He's set up this whole experiment, scolded you to your wits end, and now he's trying to praise you?

"You're so obsessed with my focus, so surely you won't mind if I ignore you for a bit?" You smirk up at him, and his brow twitches. He should look quite irked, but instead a rather competitive glare shuts you up and makes you recite the contents of the flashcards out loud. Warmth radiates from his body. And your body, naturally cold, merges into his comfort. But you're not sure if it's the scent of silk flowers from the burning incense in the corner, or Al Haitham's hypnotic light perfume.

"Oh, go ahead," His hands grip your thighs and squeeze them together, "Ignore me." The silk of his gloves slid across your skin, and his calloused hands stroke the skin just two inches below your pelvis. You try to peel his hands off your thighs, but even both of your hands cannot move his singular arm. Al Haitham pretends like you aren't struggling in his grasp, and he starts kissing along your neck. "Darling, you're not focusing." He murmurs in between ticklish pecks that only make you squirm in his embrace even more. You only hope his hands grabbing your hips and thighs don't accidentally brush across your crotch, where the effect he has on you is alarmingly stark. You can't hold in the tiny moan that slips from your mouth when he kisses a certain spot on the expanse of your skin now glazed by the sheen of the moonlight.

"Cute..." He cooes and continues to kiss that spot until a red mark blooms on your skin, resembling a rose petal. "I'm obsessed with your focus, right? So, what are you doing, making all of these lewd noises instead of studying?"

"You're distracting me," You whine, slamming your fists on the desk in front of you with not enough force, because Al Haitham barely flinches.

A devious glint in his eye makes you jolt, however. "Then do you want me to be mean again? I'm trying to help you learn, and if it means I have to coax you, I will. In fact, not another word from you, I think I know the solution to this. Bend over my lap."

"Sorry?" You gawk as he waits for you to arrange yourself on his lap, "You want me to what?"

Displeased with your indingance, he grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks, but gently enough that you don't feel any pain. "Bend over. We're going to do some active recall. Since you've worked so hard, I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours." The previous warmth his voice possessed has left his voice and he regresses back to his deadpan drawl.

With that, you awkwardly drape yourself across his lap and he gives you a pillow cushion to rest your upper body on. When you sink your face in it, the material is both firm and soft. He takes off your pants, and you try to sit up so he doesn't spot the wet spot on your panties. But Al Haitham uses one hand to force your head down into the pillow once more, muffling your protests. He soothes his hands across your bare ass, and you squeeze your thighs in anticipation.

"Now, how can withering zones be neutralised?" He asks, calloused hands running up and down your skin.

"The dendrograna secretes substrates that inhibit the enzymes of the withering zone." You feel heat massage your entire body, chills making you jolt in the colder Sumeru nights.

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