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Drue's POV

"You know how he gets when I'm on the phone girl....I know I know but I'm just tryin' not to argue with him tonight...okay love you bye." I hurried and hung the phone up and tossed it next to me. The garage door stopped making noise and a few second passed before the door made a sound.

"I'm home!" He yelled up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and climbed off the bed before making my way down the stairs.

My eyes shifted towards Mad as he stood near the front entry way with his phone in hand. His custom Givenchy cream colored button down and black slacks just as creased as they were when he left this morning. He truly looks delicious but he's one of those foods that looks really good but make you regret the decision later.

"You going to stare the whole time?" My eyes quickly shifted to his and I put on a small smile. He did a 'come here' motion with his head and smirked, slipping his phone into his pocket.

I hesitated and stared at him for awhile longer before ascending down the rest of the staircase.

He reached his hand out and I took it while stepping closer to him. His aroma ran up my nose and I slightly melted inside. Mphm does he know how to make me weak.

Mad or must I properly introduce him, Maddox is my long time partner of six going on seven years. Many ask why he hasn't popped the question but for lack of better words; he ain't worth marrying.

You may be confused and yes, I would be too. 'How he ain't worth marrying but you over here weak in the knees??' He's a piece of shit that's why.

He thinks I don't know about ALL the affairs he's had over the years with any bitch that could as little as breathe in his direction. Oh he also likes to think that I'm beneath him in many different aspects down to the way I brush my teeth. Please, The only thing keeping me here is the money. It's always been about the money since the day we met. I have a scoreboard in my head and trust me, I'm winning.

"Hello? D don't piss me off tonight." He yanked my chin in his direction, knocking me out my train of thought. I continued to stare at him until he yelled hello again. I hate this nigga so much.

"Ye-" He quickly reached his hand to the back of my head and grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling me face to face with him.

"You're not listening to me? Huh? Who are you thinking about that has your attention else where? Hm?" He impatiently asked. I shook my head quickly and took a small step back.

The whole atmosphere changed. It's been awhile since the last time he put his hands on me. Wonder what bitch pissed him off tonight.

He stared into my eyes while keeping my head in his direction. "You speak when spoken to..you know I hate that." He said just above a whisper while slowly loosen his grip on my hair.

I quickly took a step back and placed my trembling hands by my sides. My emotions were running all over the place and I just wanted to get out of his presences before it escalates and get out of hand. I looked at him once more before making a run for the staircase. I gripped the rail and started skipping stairs but was soon pulled back down, colliding with the cold floor.

I groaned and rolled over onto my side, yelping out in pain. He kneeled down over me and from what I could see, he had a smirk on his face while shaking his head.

"You already know. Get up." He stood to his feet and took a couple steps backwards, waiting for me to stand.

The pain in my back alone could make me just double over. I leaned up on my elbows and started pulling myself backwards as fast as I could. We locked eye contact and my breathing escalated as I quickly stood up, ignoring the sharp needle feeling all over my body and dashed to the kitchen.

I heard his heavy footsteps behind me and just as he took his last step, I reached and grabbed the biggest kitchen knife we had. He got me fucked up. I turned around and swung blindly one good time. He was standing a few feet away with his hands tucked in his pockets. This nigga must think he too cool to get fucked up.

"Drue, Drue, Drue." He started giggling (like a little bitch) but the giggling turned to full blown laughter. I held the knife out towards him and twisted my face up.

"THE FUCK IS FUNNY MADDOX?! YOU FIND THIS SHIT AMUSING NIGGA?" My fear quickly turned into a ungodly amount of anger from all of the shit he has put me through. The cheating, lying, abuse, miscarriages, SCREAT BABIES, SCREAT FAMILIES, SCREAT FUCKING MARRIAGES!!!!!!

"Yes this shit is quite amusing man. You're a ungrateful little bitch that doesn't deserve SHIT from a me, let alone any other man. You see this shit you standing in?!! I put this shit over your fucking head! The shit you dressed in??? Guess the fuck what!? Going to my next bitch that'll know her fucking place and can ACTUALLY give me the kids I fucking want unlike your pathetic, ain't got respect for herself ass. Got the fucking nerve to try and stab me?? KILL ME?? The person that gave you everything??? Baby I promise you'll never find another nigga like Maddox Greene and you damn for su-"

My vision went completely out and all I remember is charging towards him and stabbing him repeatedly.

Time passes and my vision returns. Blood covered the entire kitchen as I sat propped up with my back against the stove. I turned my head to the left and saw his body laying there with his shirt off and tied around his neck.

My heart thumped against my chest over and over again as I stared at his bloody half-clothed body. My mind ran wild with what I needed to do next as I stood and made a run towards the counter for my phone.

I can't believe I did it..

I-I-I killed him.

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