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???'s POV

She slammed the pictures down on my desk and crossed her arms.

"You see! We are not moving fast enough on this bitch and she's found time to have a whole new man!" She grunted and started to pace.

I chuckled and leaned back in my chair, rocking slightly.

"You too bent out of shape right now and it just lets me know how much of a thing you got for her. Or shit even both of them." I shook my head and sighed.

"No no...baby you know I would never think of anyone like that besides you. I just know she's responsible for some serious shit and I want her taken the fuck down as soon as possible."

"One who moves without accordance fails." I waved her over and patted my lap.

She poked her bottom lip out and made her way over, sitting with both of legs on the sides of me and her breast face to face with a nigga, making me tempted.

No matter if it's two weeks or even six years, she'll get got.

Drue's POV

I stood in the middle of my apartment and just stared at everything around me.

We got back this morning and to say I was on a high is a understatement. The whole trip was needed and I got to spend a lot of time with my man. He showed me sides of him that I love and just learning everything about him keeps me intrigued.

And now I'm standing in the middle of my trashed apartment. I could cry but I'm stronger than that so I'm going to start with cleaning this up.

I dragged my suitcase up the stairs to my bedroom and pushed the door open, revealing my perfectly clean room.

The anger rushed through my body and I pulled my phone out of my pocket before dialing Maurice.

"Please don't tell me you forgot something because I'm already gone." He sucked his teeth.

"No, someone broke into my shit and I'm two seconds away from a breakdown." I stated simply and tossed my backpack onto the bed. A note flew in the air and slowly fell back down.

"Fuck you mean someone broke into your shit!? I'm on my way back and get the fuck out of there NOW." He hung the phone up.

I looked at the phone and sucked my teeth before walking over to the note and picking it up. He got me fucked up if he think ima be scared in my own shit now.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Who is on their way to kill you?
Is it me?
Or is it you?
We won't find out until you do.
Forty eight hours or I'll be back and not so rational.

I took a deep breath and tears clouded my eyes.
Whhyyyyyyyyyy do I have to keep going through shit!!! Who is fucking with me and why the fuck they being weird about it.

I tossed the note on the bed and rushed downstairs and into the kitchen. Glass covered the floor from my backdoor being busted. The breeze blew through and hit my face. A few seconds passed and a loud glass sound came from the living room.

"Maaaannnnnnn who you piss off!?" He stepped over my favorite antique glass vase as it laid broken in pieces on the floor.

I just looked at him as more tears welled in my eyes. At this point, I know there isn't any way around telling him about Mad and I'm not ready. I'm not ready for his perspective about me to change but it think it's too late.

"Hello? Who did this shit Drueanna?" He grabbed my shoulders and stared into my face with a concerned look.

I started to sob and leaned my head into his chest while letting out a ear bleeding scream. I'm soooo tired.

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