The Mattress

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"Wehll..." Damon looked around to make sure nobody was watching. Then he looked down.

There was a old, dirty mattress on the cement. His special Walmart Alley Sex Mattress.

He'd brought it here years ago, and since then he'd used it countless times. But he'd never shared it with Jamie before. He was excited.

"Blimey." Jamie sighed.

"Sorreh, it's not veryeh comftorbal." Damon said, sitting down in the mattress and patting the empty spot next to him.

Jamie sat down and looked at the pink and orange sky. It was beautiful. He noticed Damon staring at him, and he smiled.

"Lets get ohn with it then." He said, and he kissed Damon. Damon could feel his cock twitch from excitement.

"I wish you would've showered first." Jamie muttered, kissing down his neck.

"Maybe after this...we can shower together." Damon said.

"Hmm last time we did that you pissed on me." Jamie looked at Damon and frowned.

"My bad, I thought you'd like it."

They stared at eachother awkwardly before making out again.

Damon took all of his clothes off, revealing his hairy, unwashed, refrigerator shaped body. Jamie hid his disgust.

"Lie down." Damon said. Jamie laid down on the extremely uncomfortable stinky mattress and watched the greasy, grimey, smelly, naked man crawl on top of him.

"Youer eyes look so pretty in this light." Damon said, smiling to reveal his ugly teeth.

"You too." Jamie lied.

They kissed yet again, and Damon was so rough that his gold tooth fell out and Jamie swallowed it.

"I fink eyeh just ate youre tooth."

"Not the only part of me you'll be eating tonight." Damon smirked. "Who do you fink gave you the teef?"

Jamie rolled his eyes and flipped over, not wanting to look at the crusty man anymore.

Damon pulled Jamie's shirt off and kissed down his back. "Sorry if my breath smells." He said.

"I didn't notice." Jamie lied, for he had been smelling it since the moment Damon spoke to him. Damon pulled off the rest of Jamie's clothes. What a sight. Two naked old men on a matress in an alley.

Damon put his boner in Jamie and began fucking him, and both of the men started crying out of joy.

They were so glad to be spending this beautiful moment together in the alley of Walmart. They fucked, and fucked, and kissed, and fucked, until the stars filled the sky and the streets were silent. They lied next to eachother on the tiny, smelly, jizz stained mattress and looked at the moon.

"You know, I could write a song about this moment." Damon said.

"Please don't."

"I'll call it Starry Night Matress Sex." Damon giggled.

"I hate you." Jamie replies.

"Me too." Damon said.

Jamie leaned over to kiss Damon on the cheek. They smiled at eachother.

"Let's do it again sometime." Jamie said, and he laid on Damon's chest.

The two naked gay old men fell asleep on the mattress in the Walmart alley. They dreamed many beautiful entertaining dreams, and snuggled until the sun shined in their naked bodies and woke them up.

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