Dec 18

293 6 27

Hi!!! I have excellent news! (for me at least!)

Ive been leaning towards barn or stray cats as one of my theriotypes. Yknow how i said i had fluffy fur? And i thought i was a mainecoon, well ive been leaning towards the darker fur tones, not orange/ginger (well i still think i have a bit of connection with orange fur). Lavender and black/white seem to be common for me so im thinking either black and white swirl or ragamuffin! (maybe even a lavender cream tortie..)

I had a cat tail swift earlier it was fun, it was definitly my tortie type!

Also im pretty sure my coyote theriotype is intersex but im really leaning towards female so i dont know.. also im barely having any connection to my panther type anymore and i dont know why. I just cant let go of her even if i know shes not my actual theriotype. Like i have so many fond memories of me saying "oh yea, im also a black panther therian!" To so many people. But i never really belived i was a panther therian its just weird. Like i dont even know how she died?!? I keep saying old age but i honestly dont think thats true at all. I dont even know anymore lol

I dpnt know if im a coyote either i just said i was one to fill this empty hole of having only three theriotypes, its like i keep on finding more but i feel like im faking with all of them so i call them phases, and then i find a new animal its just so weird. I hope at least someone can relate to me.

I guess thats it :'3

Bye fuzzy friends!!

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as cunning as a coyote,

as strong as a wolf,

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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